Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Boohoo or Yahoo???

This morning I was invited the Boohoo Yahoo breakfast at Bailey's school. This breakfast is provided by the PTO for the parents of kindergarten and 1st graders. The idea is after you drop your child off for the first day of school you go to mix and mingle with the other parents. Some are literally boohooing and some are saying YAHOO!!! I don't really think I was doing either one. I was definitely not boohooing but I can't say I was saying yahoo either (at least not where anyone could hear me). In the past I have been accused of being heartless. That is really not the case. I really do get that this is your baby and they are growing up but I also am of the opinion that this is part of life. This is what happens. You knew it would. You have prepared your child for the past 5 to 6 years for this very moment. proud, be excited, and send them on their way so soak up as much as they possibly can.

That was my soapbox and I will now stop. Anyway - Bailey had her first day of 1st grade today. She was super excited before she left and she was equally excited when she got home. She brought home several papers that she had completed during the day today. They will have their first test on Friday. This is a list of probably 20 sight words that she should be able to recognize immediately. The note from the teacher says she has 3 seconds per word. Let's just say she has got that test covered, no worries there!!!

Callie Rae started back school today also. She has not been in several weeks since everything has been kind of crazy. She has a new teacher who was not able to be there today but hopefully will be back on Friday. Callie is going 2 days per week. We are starting to see lots of signs that she is actually learning while she is there so we are very excited about that. Her favorite thing to do is try to figure out what sound different words start with. Example: C-C-Callie Momma that starts with a C right? Yep! B-B-Bailey that starts with a B right? Yep! What about B-B-Television?? No baby sorry Television says T-T-Television T! See? So - needless to say this is a work in progress but, she tries!!!

Johnny is doing much better. He is slowly but surely getting better every day. Right now he is on an antibiotic for an ear infection that is causing most of his pain. He will start back to work light duty next Wednesday.

Me? Well I got a job! Yippee!!!!! I will start work on 8/16/10 working for Orthopedic Specialist of Alabama. I will be one of their workers compensation specialists. I am really excited about this. It has come at the perfect time and really it is the perfect job for me. The only drawback is that they want me to wear closed toe shoes and that is sort of a problem for me seeing as I don't own any! But, I will be shopping Friday for new work shoes that will go with the work clothes I already have. So I figure if that is the only drawback then I am really doing good!

Well, I think I have given you an update on all four of us. It appears that we are getting back to our new normal which I am very happy about. Its time for bed since we will have to get an early start in the morning. Good Night!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

No words to describe...

It is 4:00 a.m. and I am blogging. Why? Well, because I had a dream and now I am wide awake. I know you are thinking I must have had a really horrible nightmare. But...I didn't. I had a dream that made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to cry. I woke Johnny and Bailey up in my hysteria. I have always heard that your dreams have meaning. I have no idea if that is true or not but, I seriously hope that this one doesn't mean anything. So, if you have an interpretation for me please keep it to yourself! I think I would be scared to know!

Let me explain.

I was working for the police. I was in some type of dance club or something. It was my job to dance with this certain guy so that the police could catch him. The police had the plan that when the song "Footloose" came on that would be my cue to start dancing. In real life I cannot dance at all. I look retarted when I even try. So you know how far from the truth this actually is. Anyway, in my dream I was good...I was really good. The criminal was not a very good dancer but I was so good I made him look good. It was like a scene from a movie. I was dancing my heart out - spinning, twisting, turning, and sliding. Toward the end of the song we had planned that I would spin out and so would the guy and when he spun out the police would grab him! All of this plan worked perfectly.

After the dance I went over to talk to my friend Debbie A. The room was kind of dark and smokey (like the movies). While I was talking to Debbie I all of the sudden felt something on my leg. It was Debbie's dog! It would not let go of my leg. He was not a very big dog so when he was standing on his back legs his head came to my knee. Let's just say he really really loved my leg. I kept shaking my leg trying to get the dog off of me and he would not budge so finally I kicked my leg really hard to get him off of me - and that's when I woke up...and Johnny woke up...and Bailey woke up. Apparently, I really did kick my leg (pretty hard) and made some weird noise. Johnny freaked out wanting to know what was wrong. He really thought something had crawled up in the bed with us and must have really hurt me. He kept asking me what was wrong, all I could do was laugh. For some reason it struck me as hilarious! I probably laughed for at least 20 minutes and in the mean time woke Bailey up. She said she couldn't figure out if I was laughing or crying!

So that is the end of my story. I was hoping by sitting up and typing it would make me sleepy again but so far it hasn't worked. I am sure that all of you are not nearly as amused by this dream as I was but maybe it made you feel a little better about your night. So, once again, no interpretations please...just keep those to yourself.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A week ago today

One week ago today I was sitting in the surgery waiting room at St. Vincent's hospital anxiously waiting for Johnny's surgery to be completed. The day was extremely long. He was instructed to arrive at the hospital at 5:00 a.m. which we did. They quickly took him to a room and started the paperwork process of getting him ready. Around 5:50 they wheeled him back to the official prep area where they would start all of his IVs and he would then wait for surgery. Also at this time we said goodbye. This was totally unexpected since in the past for any surgery we have known about they would keep you in your room with your family until time for surgery. We had talked to all of the rest of our family and told them that they should wait until around 6 to arrive at the hospital and that would give everyone time to get settled. Well...since it was so different his parents were not able to see him before surgery. As you can imagine this was quite upsetting to them.

Finally around 8:30 I received a call that surgery had begun and everything was going well. So, let the official waiting begin. I have later found out that before they could start surgery they had to map out everything on and in his head. The Friday prior to surgery the nurse had glued dots to Johnny's head to serve as guide points for the surgeon. After surgery we found out that there was around a 45 minute delay in starting surgery because these markers had moved over the weekend so, everything had to be lined back up.

About 11:30 we were sent to a conference room to meet with the doctor. He came in and let us know that the surgery was a success! They were able to remove the entire cavernoma, which had by the way gotten larger. The Dr. cleaned up all around where the spot had been and completely took care of it!

Johnny has done amazingly well. He was released from ICU and in a regular room by early Tuesday morning. Then by 10:00 Wednesday morning he was released to go home. Since he has been home his has really done well. He has been in quite a bit of pain but, that is totally expected. He is on several different medications which all seem to help. One of the major problems his is having is that he is not able to sleep very well. They have him on steroids which wire him up. Also, the other problem is where they cut through his jaw muscle. This is what is causing the majority of his pain and problems. He has a hard time lying down and getting comfortable. But in the grand scheme of things these complaints are really nothing. He managed to go through a major surgery successfully with just minor complaints afterwards.

God has truly had a plan for us. He continues to show us everyday that he is still in control. Last night at church the preacher talked about life interruptions. Sometimes those interruptions are really God trying to get your attention. I truly believe that everything that has gone on with us recently is God - he wanted Johnny and I back. He wants to use our family in a great way so we are waiting patiently to find out what that is. I'm not going to say it has been easy or that it will be in the future but, we do know there is a plan. Please continue to pray for us on this journey that we will seek the Lord and follow his plan and not our own.

Now. During the past week it has been just a touch crazy to say the least. When I was not pulling my hair out I tried to make all of this craziness fun for the girls. I did not accomplish this perfectly but here are a few things they did this week. Most of the things they did I stole the idea from
McMama but the girls had fun!

Dried Beans and Trucks
Finger Painting - They really had a lot of fun doing this. We are going to hang it in their bedroom!

Watercolor paint in the tub. Callie couldn't soak in the tub because of her hiney so we improvised!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Isn't she the cutest thing you have ever seen? I sure think so! This photo was taken pretty early in the morning on Tuesday. Monday we took Callie to the doctor for some really bad looking places on her bottom. They were very painful and looked really bad. The pediatrician said he would rather not try and do anything and that we should take her to Children's Hospital. Our first thought was that they would slightly sedate her and lance these spots. Well they thought it would be in her best interest to keep her overnight and take her to surgery on Tuesday morning. Needless to say the E.R visit was pretty traumatic. There were lots of doctors and nurses wanting to look at her bottom and Callie didn't like that idea too much at all. Also, Callie said there was a purple lady that was really mean but everybody else was nice. The "purple lady" was actually a very sweet nurse with purple scrubs on - she was the lucky one that got to start both of Callie's I.V. The first one only worked for about an hour or two and then the vein blew so they had to start another one.

Once we got into a room she calmed down drastically. She ended up having a male nurse which at first I thought would not be a good thing. I really thought she would have responded better to a female. I guess the purple lady traumatized her so much that Mr. Brian was looking pretty good to her. He was super sweet to her and made her feel very comfortable. Callie was being typical Callie after just a few minutes. When Mr. Brian asked if she needed anything, she really took that to heart. She started bossing him around from the very start. She needed movies and snacks and juice and if he was not quick enough she let him a nice way...sorta.

Neither one of us slept very good on Monday night so around 3:30 or 4 we were both wide away watching t.v. and asking Mr. Brian for juice and sprite. We finally drifted back off to sleep around 5:30 and then all of the commotion started around 6 so it was really pointless. Finally around 7:00 we got up and started walking the halls. I did find one way that Callie is like her Daddy - she loved talking to the nurses at the desk. We had to walk up and down the halls several times so she could talk to them and try to scare Mr. Brian.

Finally around 9:30 or so they came and got her for surgery. She did very well during surgery but does not wake up happy at all from anesthesia. She has done pretty good since we have been home. The RX they have her on has been a challenge getting her to take. It is the capsules that you are supposed to break and put on food. The only thing we have found so far that she can tolerate to mix it with is chocolate syrup (thank you Aunt Joy!). Other than that she is doing good. I am seeing constant improvement.

Please continue to keep us all in your prayers. Johnny goes tomorrow for his pre-op testing - MRI and bloodwork. Monday is the big day. We are both starting to get nervous and scared. We are trying to keep remembering that God is in control and he is going to get us through this.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Our Day

Well first of all I want to say that Callie has not been back to school since Monday so I do not have an answer from Ms. Jen as to what they watched for my 3 year old to be saying "Little Betty Butt Kiss". She will go back one day next week (probably Monday) so maybe I will find out then.

Today turned out to be an eventful day. Around 1:30 this morning I finally finished the quilt I had been working on. Well, I say finished but really I still have to do one more thing but nothing major. It turned out to be more of a pain than I had ever imagined. I did really well at sewing the quilt top but then assembling the top, bottom, and batting proved to be difficult. I pinned and sewed and ripped things back out probably 15 times. Finally, I think I was so frustrated that I just didn't care. Now this quilt is by no means perfect but it is cute and it is special. The top is made of 3 different receiving blankets I used with Callie. Also, it is special because well, by George I made it and that in its self makes it special!

When I finally peeled myself out of the bed this morning around 9:00 we got dressed and headed to the Bessemer/McCalla area for the day. We had lunch @ Cracker Barrell with Aunt Ginny, Pepaw, & Nanny. It was very nice to be able to see everyone on a weekday and not have to try and cram it into a Saturday.

Next, Virginia, the girls, and I went to Ross. I LOVE that store! I had a friend tell me today that she really didn't like it in there because there was too much going on. I think I like it so much because it is the whole thrill of the hunt theory. Ross is really hit or miss. Today was a total Hit! The best part of the Ross experience is looking at the price tag. You see the price you are about to pay for the item and then you see the original price of the item. For instance, today I got a really cute green dress. The original price was 39.99 and the price I paid was 16.00! How cool is that?? Oh and by the way when I first put on the dress I felt like a celery stalk. Not really sure why except for the color of green but the dress really is cute. I also found the perfect graduation gift for my cousin for only 3.99. Now you may say that I am cheap but please remember I am currently jobless and besides it really was perfect so who cares!

Of course since we were with Aunt Ginny we all got prizes. Bailey's prize was a little paper/pen/calculator set from Ross with peace signs on it. Her favorite part was the calculator. She said it was the perfect size to go in her purse and she had never had one of those before. The entire way home this afternoon we played with her new calculator. She was completely amazed by her new gadget. "Mom calculators are so smart. Its like they have a brain or something. They can't talk but they sure are smart. You know what? I bet they even know what 100 + 100 is!!!" That was exactly what she said to me. I had to write it down because it was just so funny. (no Mother, I was not driving when I wrote it down!) I didn't laugh at her because she was so serious but these are truly my favorite Bailey moments.

I think I am ready for bed. The girls and I may head out to the pool for a few hours then Mom and I are going to my church tomorrow night for Paint & Praise. I will get to add another piece of art to my collection. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Little Betty Butt Kiss

It has been a while since I posted anything. I really don't have any earth shattering news but just thought I would let you know what we have been up to.

For the first order of business, I did find out Friday afternoon that Johnny's surgery time has been changed. The surgery will still be on Monday July 26 but will now be @ 7:00 a.m. instead of 12:00 p.m. We are pretty glad about that. Now there won't be quite as much time for Johnny to sit around and wait and not be able to eat or drink. (mostly drink since I am sure he won't feel like eating anyway) So, now Friday 7/23 @ 9:30 Johnny will have to be at the surgeon's office to have markers glued to his head and then have an MRI. After the MRI he will have normal pre-op blood work.

I told you last week that he had another CT scan on Thursday. We have still not heard anything about this so I am assuming no news is good news. Monday Bailey and I drove all over Birmingham hospital hopping. We went to St. Vincents to pick up the original MRI and CT films and then took them to Trinity to be compared to the most recent CT.

Lately, we have actually done things that had nothing to do with doctors or hospitals. Saturday afternoon I decided that I wanted to sew something. I have been making crayon rolls but I really didn't want to make another one of those. I decided I wanted to make a quilt. I went down to our storage building and found three different receiving blankets that I used with Callie. I cut them up into squares and then sewed them all together. I have not quite finished this project but that is what I plan on doing tomorrow. So far it has turned out pretty good and it has also been pretty fun.

Sunday we were very busy. The day did not end any way that I thought it would. We got up and went to church. After church we went to Jeff & Brandy's for lunch. We left their house around 2:00 and then came home to do what we do best on Sunday afternoons...took a nap! Around 3:00 Bailey come running into our room and says that Nana and Paw Paw are here. I knew nothing about them coming over. They generally do not show up unannounced but they did then! So needless to say I was just a touch aggravated. Well, I was aggravated until he told me he was here to pressure wash the house. After a while I asked him how hard it would be to take the shutters down to paint - Little did I know it was just a matter of 2 screws each! So he took them all down while I went to Walmart and bought paint. We have lived in this house 4 years now with faded green shutters, so now - those faded green shutters are brown. I still have to put another coat of paint on them and we are trying to decide what color to paint the door.

Now, I am sure you are all trying to figure out why in the world I would put a title on this blog of Little Betty Butt Kiss. Well Monday Callie went to daycare for the day while Bailey & I did our errands. When Callie got in the car she was cracking herself up saying this. When I asked her where this came from she said they had watched a movie at school and it said this. So, me being the nosy person I am, sent her teacher a message on facebook asking what in the world my 3 year old was watching at school today. Now I must also add that I was not at all upset about this, I really thought it was kinda funny. Ms. Jen was not really sure what Callie could have been talking about since all they had watched in her class that morning was Bob the Builder but she was going to find out and let me know.

Today I am pooped. We got up this morning and made it to Trussville movie theater by 10 a.m. to watch a movie. I had been told that at this theater you could watch Toy Story for free at 10 on Tuesdays. Once we raced to get there I found out that this was not entirely true. In my mind when I was given this information I automatically thought they were talking about Toy Story 3...not so much. Two weeks ago they played one of the old Toy Story movies. Today we could choose from Rugrats the Movie or Back at the Barnyard. We chose Rugrats because I knew they had seen the Barnyard movie before. Bad choice. That had to be one of the dumbest movies every. I am not saying this because I just didn't like sir...the girls didn't really like it either. We ended up leaving after it had been on about 40 minutes. We left there and I decided to take them to the splash pad in Gardendale. We went and stayed there for about 45 mins. or so and then went to Chick-fil-A for lunch and then the thrift store. (I am not sure if I have ever blogged about the thrift store or not but I am sure its coming again even if I have)

Lastly, tonight we had our niece and nephew for a few hours. I was once again reminded why we decided it was a good idea for Johnny to have a little procedure about 3 years ago. All of the kids were pretty good they just all have their ideas of how things should go and the others don't always agree. I cooked dinner and then we made chocolate chip cookies so I managed to stay busy most of the evening.

The house is now quiet so I think I am going to go to bed.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dr. appt update

Johnny went today to the new neurologist - Dr. James Strong @ Trinity. We really did like the new doctor. He seemed very thorough and listened to everything we had to say. One of the best things was that we could actually understand everything he was saying. The previous neuro had some type of middle eastern accent.

Johnny had been having some problems with his medicine so he adjusted that today and then sent him for some blood work and a CT scan. The CT was to check and see if the "spot" is doing anything any different. If the spot happen to be getting larger then surgery would need to be moved up. We will not hear anything from that until probably Monday unless it is something urgent which we do not think it will be. Also, I really don't know what the blood work was for - they didn't say but, once again, if it is bad I am sure they will let us know. for right now everything is still the same. Johnny will start working 8 hour days tomorrow and will do this until surgery. I think we will all be excited about this because it will be a glimpse of normal.

The girls stayed with Brandy today during his appointment so after we got back we took all of the kids swimming for the afternoon. So - needless to say I am pooped! So, unless something interesting happens between now and the time we get CT results you won't hear from me until then! Have a great weekend everybody!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Weekend in Review and now the weekdays

Well - it has been a couple of days since my last post so I thought I would give everyone an update of what we have been up to. My last post was on Friday. After my post Mom and Dad were so nice to take the girls and let them spend the night to give Johnny and I a much needed break. We really didn't do anything exciting but it was nice. Habaneros and a movie at home.

Saturday was the annual July 4th Cox Family Extravaganza. 41 people attended this event - all but maybe 5 or 6 were family members. This even is one of 2 per year that the entire Cox family has. The other one is Christmas. We have these gatherings @ Johnny's Aunt Donna's house. She really has the perfect place. For the Summer event she has a very nice pool so everyone can stay cool and entertained. Also, for both of these events they have made their garage very nice to use. They keep it very clean and have heat and air. There is plenty of room for the kids to run wild!

Sunday we decided to lay low. Johnny wasn't really feeling well so we didn't go to church. Later that evening we went to his parents house and ate left over BBQ. My mother-in-law had her sewing machine out so I decided to make crayon rolls. I made 2 different ones and and ended up giving them to my niece and nephew. Oh - just in case you didn't know - Walmart now has their school supplies on sale - Crayola Crayons are .30 per box.

Monday - I took the girls swimming for a couple of hours while Johnny went with his dad for a much needed fishing break. They just went down to the river but had a good time. Later that afternoon we loaded up and went to mom and dads for dinner. We had boston butt (which Callie loves to say), grilled chicken, corn, baked beans, creamed potatoes, and something else but I forgot. OHHH home-made ice cream! Yummy! The girls spent the night since I needed to have Johnny @ a doctor appt on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday (today) - Johnny had his 1st neuro-psych test today. He had to be there @ 9:00am and did not finish until 5pm. The first hour I was in there with him and we just discussed everything that had been going on. After that I left while he stayed and took lots of tests. These were to test his short-term memory, problem solving, and overall brain functions. From the sounds of it he did pretty good. I know from what he told me that I would have failed miserably! While he was testing I did some running around. I had lunch with a friend and went by my old office to pick up some things that I had left behind. I went to Lifeway, Target, and Oak Hill for lunch.

Well so no earth shattering news to give, just thought everyone would like to know what has been going on and that we are surviving. Tomorrow, Callie is going to daycare and I am going to take Johnny back downtown to complete paperwork so that he can return to work on 8 hr days starting this Friday. Thursday, he has a neurologist appt. We have decided to change his neurologist to a doctor that was recommended by they psych dr. today. This new guy from what she says truly has the patient's best interest in mind when diagnosing and putting together a treatment plan. We were told that this doctor is currently treating on of her other patients with basically this same problems has Johnny - this patient is also a firefighter. The new dr. really tries to do what is best for the patient medically and also takes into account your job and what it takes to do your job.

Anyway, I will update again sometime Thursday after the next appt.

Friday, July 2, 2010

I know nothing


Well this morning I knew nothing - now I know something! Surgery is now scheduled for July 26 @ 12:00 p.m. This is a Monday. The Friday before he will have blood work and a MRI.

Oh yeah I almost forgot, the dog died. Bailey went out to feed her this morning and said that Fiona was sleeping late today because she didn't even wake up to eat and she didn't want to wake up yesterday either. There was our first clue. I had one child crying that she missed Fiona (even though she never even looked at the dog) and the other child cracking jokes! So, Fiona is now in doggie heaven running through green pastures chasing rabbits and eating steak everyday. Johnny dug her grave today and has burried her. Callie wanted to wear a dress to Gran's house today so Bailey said that was for the funeral. Bailey was convinced that we wanted them to go to Gran & Grandaddy's house today so they wouldn't have to think about Fiona. Whatever makes her happy!

Hi everybody. It has now been 10 days (including weekends) since we sat in the surgeon's office and tried to schedule surgery for Johnny. At that time we were told they would call us the next day with a date. Well as you can see that has NOT happened. I have called literally every day - sometime twice a day asking about a surgery day and EVERY day I am told that she (the surgery scheduler) is hounding the doctor for him to look at his schedule and see where Johnny would fit in and he has not done that. So...I know nothing. But when I do...I will let you know.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch we are just hanging out. I have made lots of calls this week trying to find a job. I have worked on my resume trying to get it just perfect. I don't want to sound too smart but I also don't want to sound like I am full of crap! But...I do want to sound like I am a hot item to be had and they better hurry up and hire me before somebody else snatches me up! I am in the final review stages so hopefully next week I can email it to as many people as possible.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Just in case you were wondering...

Hi everyone! On this post I will explain everything that has been going on with our family over the past couple of weeks. I am sure you may have heard bits and pieces and maybe even seen unusual posts on facebook. So here it is.

Saturday morning 6/12/10 I woke up around 3:30 a.m. because something weird seemed to be going on with Johnny. He was making an odd noise and I really thought at first he was just snoring so I tried to wake him up a little so that he would stop. Well I quickly realized that this was not snoring...the noise did not stop. When I tried to wake him, I couldn't. After a couple of seconds his body started jerking and at that point I realized that he was probably having a seizure. This was a first for him. I called 911 and they instructed me to try and roll him on his side. This was not an easy task. He was stiff as a board and still jerking. Let me just say I was scared to death. After I hung up the phone with the 911 operator I then called his dad for him to come quickly.

I have never been around anyone who had a seizure. After about 3.5 minutes Johnny started to come around. When he did finally start to come around I was almost just as scared as when he was out of it. He was very confused and had no idea anything had even just happened. This didn't last very long but while it was happening he didn't know who I was or anything else and he had a really hard time talking. During the seizure he just about chewed his tongue off which I didn't know - I just thought he couldn't speak anymore. Anyway, we went to the hospital via ambulance. Immediately after arriving to the hospital they sent him for a CAT scan. The CAT scan came back showing something.

At that point Johnny was admitted to the hospital for a MRI. We all know that nothing happens fast in a hospital unless it is truly urgent. Starting around 4:30 a.m. Johnny had a CAT scan, the report, a MRI, the report for that, and a visit from the neurosurgeon all by mid-morning. At this point I started to worry just because it was so fast.

Dr. Maher, the surgeon, came into the room and said that Johnny has a hemangioma cavernoma on the right front temporal lobe of his brain. A cavernoma is a mal-formed vessel that resembles a raspberry. Dr. Maher described it to us as a varicose vein on the brain. The seizure was caused from this spot bleeding. The surgeon recommended that this spot be taken out.

Johnny stayed in the hospital until late Monday afternoon. During this time we had lots of visitors and phone calls and all were very much appreciated. Both of our families were very helpful with the girls. They were completely taken care of so that did not have to be another stress for us.

Next, on Friday 6/25 I lost my job. I had been there 8 years as a workers compensation adjuster. There had been major issues with an account and somebody had to go. was me. I have to say I have really been torn as to whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. I was very worried about how much I would want/need to be off with Johnny during his surgery. But, at the same time I knew I needed to be working to bring home some type of income.

Over the past 2.5 weeks I have felt God's presence in our lives more than ever. He has truly been with us every step of the way and will continue to be there. One thing that I have been told that has really stuck with me is that God is not surprised. He was not surprised by the cavernoma, he was not surprised by the need for brain surgery, and he was not surprised about me loosing my job. He has a plan. At this point we are still not sure what this plan might be but, we are learning and in the end it will be clear.

So, there it is. As of today we still do not have a surgery date but, should know soon. Currently, Johnny is not working but will be able to return to light duty once the surgery is over. I am working diligently trying to complete my resume so that I can send it out to every place of business that I can think of. Please keep us in your prayers. I will try to update my blog more often to keep everyone up to date.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Note to Self...

Tonight I learned a very important lesson. First I will set the story up for you.

Tonight started out great. Both girls are spending the night with Virginia. Johnny and I were very excited to have a "date night". We both got home around 6:30. We decided that we really didn't want to go anywhere. However, we did decide to go eat Mexican at the place across the highway. It was really good. We were able to eat our dinner without having to say any of the following statements: "Get Up, Sit Down, Eat your food, Callie quit playing, Bailey stop playing with the decorations on the wall" and the list could go on and on.

Here is where the trouble began. We decided that we wanted some kind of dessert and we really needed toilet paper. So, no, it was not romantic at all but we went to Walmart. When we got there I was pushing the basket and I didn't have my purse so I put my keys in the front part of the basket. I did have sense enough to pull the little flap thing up so they wouldn't slide through the leg holes. We we walked around and picked up a few things. After we paid there were several baskets sitting right there so, as lazy as it was, we left our basket with all of the rest of them. About the time we were walking away one of the people that work there took all the baskets away. We walked to the car and were about to unlock the car when I realized that I didn't have the keys. So Johnny stood by the car while I ran in to get the keys. I went to the place where we had left the basket but it was gone. I went to the Customer Service desk to see if they were there. Nope didn't find them. About that time Johnny came in and asked if I had lost the keys. Yes dear, I have lost my keys and No I can't seem to find them. Johnny started walking up and down the isles looking on the floor. Then I went up and down the isles asking people if they had found any keys in their basket. Finally, I came across an older couple and when I glanced in their basket I saw my key chain dangling in the seat. I know they thought I had lost my mind. I think when I saw them I might have said "Oh my gosh" a little loud. The couple looked at me kind of strange and I started rambling something crazy about how they had saved my life. They had absolutely not clue what in the world I was talking about until I grabbed my keys out of their basket. They didn't even know they were in their basket.

About an hour later we finally left Walmart. Really I couldn't help but laugh a little. I know it was a crazy thing to do. I know I should not have put my keys there. I know they really could have fallen out. Johnny wasn't really mad but I think he just thought I had a little more sense than to leave my keys in the basket. My sweet husband finally said " Melanie, I think somebody must have beat you in the head with every limb of the dumb dumb tree!". So, this was not exactly how we planned on spending our night alone but it worked out fine.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Odd Humor

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Georgiana. She lived on the beach in Georgia, Savannah that is. One day she dug a hole in the sand and a wild horse fell in it. She helped the horse out of the hole and the horse let her ride on his back. She rode up and down the beach all day long. The next day the horse was gone so she just said, "Oh well". She went home and lived happily ever after.

By: Mark Carroll

Dad wrote this story tonight for Bailey. In an odd sort of way it really is funny! Just thought I would share.

Rain Rain Go Away!!!

Today is a nasty nasty day. I think we will all stay home and be lazy! Most of the time I am not very good at planning, unless it is planning a party or something and I am All About That! Anyway, last night when I was at the store I knew today would be gross and that the girls would drive me crazy if they were not occupied. SO, I purchased a big pack of copy paper and water color paints - I thought that would take a while. Then I bought construction paper - my girls love nothing better than colored paper, scissors, and glue. I also have the stuff to make peanut butter playdough...that project may have to wait for a different day though. I'm not quite sure I am up to that :).

As for me...I think I may bake. I have really been in the baking mood this week. I know I have everything to make an apple crisp. So I will let you knwo how that turns out. And I am so sure I will wash clothes and dishes (the story of my life).

Well I am needing some breakfast. So, I hope everyone has a good lazy day and stays out of the nasty weather!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I have a new project.

When I start a project of any kind I need to feel instant gratification. I do like to be creative and do new things but with all of these things I need to see a result...and I need to see it pretty quick. I am not good with details. Even with something as simple as coloring a picture, I am going to choose a picture with very little detail. The pictures I would generally choose would be something that a 1st or 2nd grader would color. Another example would be that I love going to Sips n Strokes. If you have not heard of this, it is a place where you go for 2 hours. At the end of that 2 hours you leave with a canvas that you have painted and it actually looks pretty good!

All that being said, I usually don't take on "projects". When you say the word "project" to me that means something that is going to take a really long time to complete. But, I feel like I am currently working on a "project".

So, to explain my project, first I must tell you two more things. 1) I like to eat. If you have ever seen me or been around me for any amount of time you know this. 2) I like to bake. I love anything sweet. With all that being said, I have a new friend. This new friend has a HORRIBLE problem! She is allergic to basically everything! To my knowledge she is allergic to eggs, milk, beef, nuts, seeds, and tomatoes. Think about it...SHE CAN'T EAT ANYTHING!!!! How in the world can I be friends with someone who really can't eat??? So...I have made it my mission to find something that this girl can eat! For heaven's sake she is skinny as a rail! You can see bones!!!

I began my search with cake. Her birthday is coming up and everybody should be able to eat cake for their birthday right? So I ask her...What do you normally eat instead of cake for your birthday since you can't have milk or eggs? Nothing. She gets NO sweets! She gets chicken. Finally, after searching on the internet I come across a chocolate cake and chocolate icing that does not have milk or eggs. First I planned on waiting until her birthday and making this cake but I just could not stand it. I had to know how in the world you could make this without milk or eggs and it actually taste good and look like a real cake. So, tonight I made the cake. It turned out really good. It looked and tasted good. Go figure??? So while it was still warm I had to take this cake to her. Unless she is a really good liar - she like it!

Really I don't see how in the world she would Not like it. While I was there she let me taste some fake peanut butter she had purchased. It was made from soy beans. It was NASTY!!! It didn't smell or taste anything like peanut butter. Then she all of these different mixes she had bought that she could have.

There you have it. She is now my project. She better take me for all I'm worth right now because I have a very short attention span and pretty soon my ADD will kick in and she won't get anything else. So anyone out there who actually read this whole rambling post - if you have any recipes or food ideas that might fatten up my poor dear friend, please comment on this post with your ideas.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fun Fun Day

Our day today started out busy. We decided that we could go to Payton's rag ball game this morning, which started at 10:15. It is always fun to watch those games. Rag ball is really t-ball for beginners. They don't keep score or anything so really it is more of the kids learning what to do when and how. Today was their 3rd game and I think that my knowledge of t-ball, baseball, softball, whatever is about on the same level with these 4 year old kids that played today. The Lord truly knew what he was doing when he gave me my girls. There is nothing At All that appeals to be at the ball park. It's hot, there are bugs, there is Lots and Lots of dirt, and there are ball games going on that I know nothing about. So, needless to say I am very glad I have a dancing girl and not a ball playing girl.

Oh, speaking of dance...Bailey had her picture made at dance this are a few pictures of her with her friends. These girls absolutely love each other. If at all possible they will be together. Bailey, Brianna, and Alyssa.
Sorry...these pictures really are cute, I copied them from facebook so I couldn't make them any bigger. But, if you are interested you can go to my pictures on my profile page and see them a little better.
Next, we went to Brandy's house for the afternoon - I had bought some material and t-shirts so she could help me sew a few skirts and then put something on the shirts to match. They all turned out really good. I was really proud of myself. It was really a team effort. I really did most of the sewing except for the parts I really didn't know how to do. And...I didn't stuff on the t-shirts because I really didn't know what buttons to push. Oh well! We completed 4 outfits - 2 for Bailey and 2 for Callie.

Last, we all had dinner together. Jeff grilled some chicken and then we had yellow rice and salad. Oh and for dessert we had apple pie and ice cream. Yum Yum! you might imagine...I am pooped! So I will be going to bed now. See Ya!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Prom Time!!!

Today I have been reminded of a day maybe 11 years ago for me. Prom Day. Do you remember your prom? I do remember mine. I was so excited. I tanned for months preparing for this wonderful day. I searched and searched for a dress and ended up with the perfect one which I actually bought from a friend. What do you call that kind of look when the color changes depending on what light you are in? Iridescent! That's it. Mine was iridescent purple and green. I loved it! My aunt came over and did my hair and make-up. I'm just going to say it...I was HOT!!!!
I went with a guy that I was basically just friends with. We went on a few dates but nothing ever came of that relationship. We went with my best friend, Brandy, and her boyfriend, now husband, Jeff. We ate at the Olive Garden, went to the prom, went bowling, and then finally went back to Brandy's house where her mom had fixed a HUGE breakfast. I remember she had the dining room table set with all of her finest silver serving dishes and china. It was a night to remember.
My first reminder of this day was this morning on the way home from my niece's t-ball game. I drove past the local high school, there was a teenage couple standing in the grass having their picture made. The prom must have started super early today because this was around 10:00 and they were already dressed and ready to go. Now...we live in Corner, Alabama...I know that this is pretty much considered the country. Yes there are rednecks and yes on my way to work, school, church, and pretty much anywhere else I usually see cows, horses, and occasional chickens. BUT...I don't care Where you live, the sight I saw this morning it COMPLETELY uncalled for!!! The girl had on a long strapless dress. It was black lace with some kind of blue peeping through...not really that pretty. The guy was awful!!! He had on a black tux with a camo vest and a camo ball hat. Can you say RED???? Yes, this was about as Redneck as you get.
I can't help but wonder what the remaining part of there day will be like. Where will they go for dinner? What will they do for fun afterwards? I really wonder if in their heads they actually think they look good? I have no idea. this the new trend? I really have a hard time thinking so. Johnny's cousin attends this same school and I am 100% sure that she will not be dressed this way nor will her date. But, I do plan on asking her if this couple attended the prom and if there were any others dressed so nice.
So, to anyone attending the prom tonight or anytime soon have fun and be safe. To those of you who ever went to the prom...what did you wear, who did you go with, what did you do???? Do you remember???????

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I Won!!!!

There was a battle at our house tonight. A battle of the wills'...and I won!!! I cooked dinner tonight (which I rarely do), I fixed corn on the cob and sloppy joe's. We all sat down at the table and started to eat. The first thing Callie said was that she did NOT like sloppy joe's. I told her that it was just like a chopped up hamburger and it was really good. I also told her that she didn't know if she liked it or not because she had not tried it. Then...the battle was ON!!! I told her she needed to eat her corn and that she had to try one bite of the sloppy joe meat - and if she didn't like it she didn't have to eat any more. She did Not want to try it. She cried, she begged, she refused...but I won. She eventually put a bite in her mouth. She tried to spit it out before she even chewed it (I wouldn't let her). Finally she chewed the bite up and swallowed it. Once it was down I asked her if she like it - Her response??? Yes, I like it, I was just teasing you!!! If that was teasing, I must be crazy!!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Glacias means Thank You - Thank you for shopping at Walmart!

This is the phrase I have heard all evening long. Between school, t.v., and books the girls have learned a few spanish words. I am not quite sure where the the entire phrase came from they this it is really funny. The other spanish word for the evening was Lemonada. "Mom can I have some lemonada?" " Mom can I have more lemonada?" "I choked on my lemonada!"

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

I thought since yesterday I was in such a horrible mood that today since I am much better, I would post something a little more cheerful. Some of my favorite things are actually people but the title was just too good to pass up!

1) My Hubby - I Love my Husband! He is really the best. There are times that he gets on my nerves so bad I could just scream but, 95% of the time he is great! I truly believe he is the best father my girls could possibly have and the best husband I could ever have. He is caring, supportive, loving, loyal, sensative, & funny. He takes care of me and our children and I love him more now than ever!

2) My Girls - Bailey & Callie - Two of the sweetest girls ever!!! After I had Bailey I was told by many different people that there was no way I could have another baby as good as Bailey...But...I did! (Please know that I am smart enough not to take that chance again though :)) Both of them are often more concerned about each other than themselves. Don't get me wrong, they do their fair share of argueing and fussing but most of the time they would rather have each other than anyone else. Callie told Bailey yesterday morning on the way to school that she was her bestest buddy...and she really meant that!!!

3) My Family - I Love all of my family. Everybody is really loud & obnoxious but really how much fun would family gatherings be if everybody just sat around and looked at each other? Most of the time everybody gets along and enjoys being together. Most of all I believe that if anyone is ever in need of anything someone in the family is always there to help.

4) Spring/Fall - My idea of a perfect weather day is 65-75 degrees, sun shining, and not a cloud in the sky. It is so nice to be able to be outside with either no jacket or not sweating to death. I really don't like either one of those things.

5) Sunday afternoon naps - For as long as I can remember I have always loved taking naps on Sunday afternoons. There is just something about getting home from church - eating lunch - and crawling in the bed for a nice long nap. So far Bailey has not learned to appreciate this time but I am hoping she will learn!

6) The Beach - There was a time I did not like the beach at all - I would have rather gone to the lake. But now I think I would rather go to the beach. There is nothing better than putting your chair on the edge of the water...just enough for the waves to splash you on the feet, get something to drink, and a good book. I could do this all day long!

7) Surprises - I love surprises! It doesn't matter how big or small the surprise I love it! I have no idea how old I was but I know I was pretty young...My Mom worked and when she would come home in the afternoons occasionally she would have me a surprise. I might have been a special drink or a piece of candy but I remember loving that. Also, for Christmas every year my parents would ask me and my brothers if we just wanted money or if we wanted gifts that were surprises. I would always choose the surprises! (no surprise they chose the money) I actually had a surprise this afternoon...when I got home from work Johnny had cleaned the house and put in our new washing machine. That was a really good surprise!

8) Bedtime - that would be now. I love going to bed at I believe I will do that now.

I have more things that are my favorite but I believe I will save them for another day!

See ya!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Sometimes are you ever just ill? No reason really why. Just mad. At everything and everybody. I am sure you have. Most people get that way every now and then. Well...I am that way now. I have absolutely no reason why, I just am. I started getting that way about 4:00 today and it has just gone downhill from there.

I stopped by the store on my way home today to get stuff for supper. I stopped at a grocery store where I dont usually stop. I saw some family members in there that I had not seen for a long time. I was really hoping they didn't recognise me because I really didn't want to have to be nice. That's really bad isn't it?? Well, I would have to say "Hi, how are you? How are all of you kids? (that I can never remember who does what and even where they live)" Then they would ask about me and all of my immediate family. To which, I would response that everybody was fine. Very superficial. None of us would have really cared about the conversation. So...I saved everybody the trouble of that conversation and just avoided them!

Then I come home and fix supper. It did turn out pretty good but I just really didn't want to do it. Right now, the girls are in the tub waiting for me to come and bathe them...which I don't want to do either. I really think it would be best if I just go to bed and start all over tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be better then.

Sorry guys...Not sure why I decided to post this but I guess it was therapy for myself. know...just since I have typed all of this out I all ready feel better. Not sure what it was all about but I guess the crazy people at work who called me all flippin day long just got on my nerves and I just haven't been able to shake it yet.

Oh, on a happier note, my Easter dress came in the mail today! I can't wait to wear it on Sunday. Yes...I know this Sunday is not Easter. We are going to have Easter with Mom & Dad this coming up Sunday since actual Easter Sunday is usually so crazy. Also, I had bought a few things for the girl's Easter basket last week and just left it in the back of my car. Well Miss Nosie Rosie Bailey started digging around back there this morning before I got in the car and found the stuff! Of course she was wanting to know what it was for and who it was for. So, I just told her it was stuff I had bought to give her and Callie for Easter and now it wouldn't be a surprise anymore! Oh well. I guess now I have to find a better hiding spot for the Easter Bunny stuff!

All right, I think I am all better now. I am going to bathe the girls and put them to bed then put myself to bed. I think it would be best for everybody.

See Ya!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Three Orange Cats

While I am writing this Callie is sitting beside me singing a song about 3 orange cats. The only words she seems to know is "Three Orange Cats" Oh well, its cute anyway.

I think I am actually going to stay home today. I am really tired so I think I will just be lazy. I have lots of clothes that need folding. I am really trying to get motivated to just get started. I have decided I will turn on a movie and sit on my bed and fold all the clothes. Yes, there are a lot that I have to fold. We are really good at washing and not so good at folding and putting away.

Yesterday we decided that I would take 1/2 day off work and take the girls to the zoo. Once we turned on the road in front of the zoo, we decided immediatly that it would be a horrible idea. It was PACKED! People were parked on both sides of the road from the beginning of that road and on past the zoo and walking to the entrance. We really didn't want to fight with the crowds so we decided to take an exciting trip to Vulcan. We had never taken the girls there and it was such a beautiful day that we decided to see how they would like that. We had a good time, Callie didn't love the idea of being at the top and looking down but she didn't get too upset. Her favorite part was that Vulcan has a really big bootie! She was really upset that we weren't going to the zoo so Johnny told her that we were going to see the biggest bootie ever...needless to say that made her happy! I was feeling kind of like a bad parent for telling our 3 year old that we were going to see a big bootie until we were in like waiting for our tickets and I heard another mother point out to her young son how big Vulcan's bootie was!

Well, it is now 12:00 and there are 5 baskets of clothes calling my name. See ya!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I have a new love!!!

Dresses. Until the end of last Summer I had not worn dresses in several years. So, last year I bought 2 different dresses. I wore then all the time. Now, so far this year I have bought 5 new dresses. I really can't wait to wear them! I just think life will be much easier if I can just sling on a dress and some cute flops! I tell's amazing what 20lbs can do for you...mentally and physically! Here is a picture of the lastest purchase (tonight). This is going to be my Easter dress this year. I am thinking I need shiny red shoes and some chunky red jewels!

What do you think?????

Oh, and by the way...the dress looks WAY cuter on me than it does this girl!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Egg Lobbing and Coloring Windows

When I was younger I never really was mischievous. Yes, I got into my fair share of trouble but nothing that would involve other people. I never rolled a house, I never floured a vehicle, or went ding dong ditching (ring the door bell and run). I also never egged anyones car or house. But...If I were to have the opportunity now and knew I wouldn't get in trouble or damage someones property I would so go and lob eggs at just about anything! I have discovered in my adult years that this is really fun to do. I know you are trying to figure out just how I know about this. Well...I buy eggs (as most people do) and sometimes we eat all of them and sometimes we don't. For some reason I have a problem with throwing old eggs in the garbage can. So, I open the back door and lob the eggs into the woods. Generally I try and hit a tree or something so I can watch it splat! Think about it, the way an egg is shaped and the weight of an egg makes it perfect for throwing. It will just roll off of the tips of your fingers and hit just about wherever you are aiming. And then when you do hit your target SPLAT eggs guts go everywhere! So, my challenge to you it to try it...see how you like it. I promise you will love it.

Now, this morning I went to Wal-Mart and had an amazing discovery. We all know that Crayola products are way better than others. For example, Rose Art...nobody wants Rose Art crayons. They are really waxy and never color as well as a Crayola crayon. So this morning I was going to get the girls a new box of Crayola crayons and a new coloring book. I knew we were going to be home all day and they would enjoy something new. Then I found these! Crayola Window Crayons!!! They are so neat! I opened the blinds in their room and they went to town! Then when they were done all it took was a tiny bit of Windex and a paper towel and it was gone! No big mess. Easy clean-up. I really think the big attraction to this product is that 1) its lots of fun and 2) it feels like you are doing something you are not supposed to do. I will say I did have to draw on the kitchen window just to check them out and I like them too! So, if you have children or have some that come to your house occasionally, I highly recommend that you grab a pack next time you are at Wal-Mart.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Silly Songs and Sickness

Recently I purchased a CD for the girls to listen to in the car. Occasionally, we have to get new ones because I just get completely sick of listening to the same thing over and over and over again. Anyway, the one I got was called Silly Songs. Now, we have had silly song CD's before but I do believe this is the silliest of all! My favorite song is the Weenie Man song. If I could sing it for you I would. But, since I can't right now here are the words...
I know a weenie man
He owns a weenie stand
He sells most anything
from hotdogs on down (oh baby)
Someday I'll change his life
I'll be his weenie wife
Hotdog I love that weenie man!
Cute huh??? So, needless to say, I have been singing this song in my head all day long. I had to sing it for everybody at lunch today. They were quite impressed! the sickness part of this post. Uuuhhhhggggggggggg
The stomach bug seems to be running rampid all around me. First it was my Dad, then it was my father-in-law, then it was all of Brandy's family, AND NOW IT'S JOHNNY!!!! He came home from work early today and has been in bed since. Let's just say that the bathroom and the bedroom has been his favorite two rooms today. I am trying very hard to stay away from him and also for the kids to stay away. But, I don't know that even my very best efforts will help anything. I am now just praying that somehow someway the girls and I will avoid it.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Good Morning!

Well it is Sunday morning 9:06 am...I am Mom & Dad's house. We came over last night for dinner and it turned into a sleep-over! I totally lost track of time last night and before I knew it, it was almost 11:00. So, we left, got halfway down the road and decided to turn around and spend the night. One HUGE perk is that Dad is now in the kitchen making homemade waffles!! I can't wait! (I guess I am skipping the diet this morning...oh well)

Bailey has become quite the little reader. They are doing two different contest at school for reading. 1) They have a certain number of books they are supposed to read each month from now until the end of May. If they reach their goal at the end of each month they get a ball to use at the Spring Fling to try and dunk their teacher in the dunking booth. 2) The child that reads the most books in the grade gets a special award on awards day. Needless to say she is reading like crazy! She started yesterday and is working on book #6 right now. Her reading skills have really impressed me. Right now she is ready The Cat & the Hat. She has not asked for any help so far. She reads way faster than I thought she should be able to and also she reads with alot of expression! I think a lot of this is just my really smart child and two I think she really has a great teacher this year. We Love Mrs. Langston!!!

I have a new found love for thrift stores and consignment sales. Over the past week I have been to 2 thrift stores and 3 consignment sales. I have really gotten some great stuff for the girls for the spring and summer. Some things were brand new with the tags on them and I didn't pay more than $4 for anything! Now I really think I have an addiction. Oh least I'm not addicted to the mall...right???

Well, I smell bacon so I think this is all for today. more thing. Callie did have a fever all day on Thursday and was diagnosed with strep throat. She woke up Friday morning with no fever and has been fine since.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Take Two

Well as you can see it has been quite a while since my last post. I think I was so overwhelmed with the beach trip I just could not continue to write about it or anything else. So, today I have decided to start again.

Part of the problem before was that I thought I had to have something really great to say. Something really funny, clever, or meaningful. But, I have now decided that you really might care about the day to day meaningless ramble that I am totally capable of. And...if not...well, just don't read my blog! How about that?

Ok, so, today is Sunday. We did our normal Sunday thing. Got up, went to church, lunch, & sleep. It was however, a beautiful day. After our nap I decided we should go out and jump on the trampoline that Santa brought. Today was the first day that I actually jumped on it. I forgot how much fun it was! I also figured out today how much I was really out of shape. I mean I guess I really knew but I just didn't think that jumping like that could make me tired. I guess its a combination of getting older and WAY out of shape. So, maybe I should do it more often.

Well, I think I will end this post now. There is a whole lot more I could say about things that have been happening over that last month or so, but I won't...since I am starting fresh.

I will say to all of you who might be wondering about Callie...she is doing fine. She had her tubes on Thursday. She is feeling lots better now. She is just acting normal...just being Callie.

Oh, one more thing, Bailey starts Cheer Camp tomorrow after school. She is super excited! She will go every day after school this week for an hour and learn a routine. They will perform at the PTO meeting in March.