Thursday, August 5, 2010

No words to describe...

It is 4:00 a.m. and I am blogging. Why? Well, because I had a dream and now I am wide awake. I know you are thinking I must have had a really horrible nightmare. But...I didn't. I had a dream that made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to cry. I woke Johnny and Bailey up in my hysteria. I have always heard that your dreams have meaning. I have no idea if that is true or not but, I seriously hope that this one doesn't mean anything. So, if you have an interpretation for me please keep it to yourself! I think I would be scared to know!

Let me explain.

I was working for the police. I was in some type of dance club or something. It was my job to dance with this certain guy so that the police could catch him. The police had the plan that when the song "Footloose" came on that would be my cue to start dancing. In real life I cannot dance at all. I look retarted when I even try. So you know how far from the truth this actually is. Anyway, in my dream I was good...I was really good. The criminal was not a very good dancer but I was so good I made him look good. It was like a scene from a movie. I was dancing my heart out - spinning, twisting, turning, and sliding. Toward the end of the song we had planned that I would spin out and so would the guy and when he spun out the police would grab him! All of this plan worked perfectly.

After the dance I went over to talk to my friend Debbie A. The room was kind of dark and smokey (like the movies). While I was talking to Debbie I all of the sudden felt something on my leg. It was Debbie's dog! It would not let go of my leg. He was not a very big dog so when he was standing on his back legs his head came to my knee. Let's just say he really really loved my leg. I kept shaking my leg trying to get the dog off of me and he would not budge so finally I kicked my leg really hard to get him off of me - and that's when I woke up...and Johnny woke up...and Bailey woke up. Apparently, I really did kick my leg (pretty hard) and made some weird noise. Johnny freaked out wanting to know what was wrong. He really thought something had crawled up in the bed with us and must have really hurt me. He kept asking me what was wrong, all I could do was laugh. For some reason it struck me as hilarious! I probably laughed for at least 20 minutes and in the mean time woke Bailey up. She said she couldn't figure out if I was laughing or crying!

So that is the end of my story. I was hoping by sitting up and typing it would make me sleepy again but so far it hasn't worked. I am sure that all of you are not nearly as amused by this dream as I was but maybe it made you feel a little better about your night. So, once again, no interpretations please...just keep those to yourself.


  1. The interpretation is, you ate something bad or not so good on your stomoch and/or you ate it too late.

    Funny story.
