Thursday, July 15, 2010

Our Day

Well first of all I want to say that Callie has not been back to school since Monday so I do not have an answer from Ms. Jen as to what they watched for my 3 year old to be saying "Little Betty Butt Kiss". She will go back one day next week (probably Monday) so maybe I will find out then.

Today turned out to be an eventful day. Around 1:30 this morning I finally finished the quilt I had been working on. Well, I say finished but really I still have to do one more thing but nothing major. It turned out to be more of a pain than I had ever imagined. I did really well at sewing the quilt top but then assembling the top, bottom, and batting proved to be difficult. I pinned and sewed and ripped things back out probably 15 times. Finally, I think I was so frustrated that I just didn't care. Now this quilt is by no means perfect but it is cute and it is special. The top is made of 3 different receiving blankets I used with Callie. Also, it is special because well, by George I made it and that in its self makes it special!

When I finally peeled myself out of the bed this morning around 9:00 we got dressed and headed to the Bessemer/McCalla area for the day. We had lunch @ Cracker Barrell with Aunt Ginny, Pepaw, & Nanny. It was very nice to be able to see everyone on a weekday and not have to try and cram it into a Saturday.

Next, Virginia, the girls, and I went to Ross. I LOVE that store! I had a friend tell me today that she really didn't like it in there because there was too much going on. I think I like it so much because it is the whole thrill of the hunt theory. Ross is really hit or miss. Today was a total Hit! The best part of the Ross experience is looking at the price tag. You see the price you are about to pay for the item and then you see the original price of the item. For instance, today I got a really cute green dress. The original price was 39.99 and the price I paid was 16.00! How cool is that?? Oh and by the way when I first put on the dress I felt like a celery stalk. Not really sure why except for the color of green but the dress really is cute. I also found the perfect graduation gift for my cousin for only 3.99. Now you may say that I am cheap but please remember I am currently jobless and besides it really was perfect so who cares!

Of course since we were with Aunt Ginny we all got prizes. Bailey's prize was a little paper/pen/calculator set from Ross with peace signs on it. Her favorite part was the calculator. She said it was the perfect size to go in her purse and she had never had one of those before. The entire way home this afternoon we played with her new calculator. She was completely amazed by her new gadget. "Mom calculators are so smart. Its like they have a brain or something. They can't talk but they sure are smart. You know what? I bet they even know what 100 + 100 is!!!" That was exactly what she said to me. I had to write it down because it was just so funny. (no Mother, I was not driving when I wrote it down!) I didn't laugh at her because she was so serious but these are truly my favorite Bailey moments.

I think I am ready for bed. The girls and I may head out to the pool for a few hours then Mom and I are going to my church tomorrow night for Paint & Praise. I will get to add another piece of art to my collection. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Your sense of humor is back!

    I know stress is fixing to hit hard again, but I'm so glad that for now you seemed to have relaxed a bit.

    I love reading about your day!
