Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dr. appt update

Johnny went today to the new neurologist - Dr. James Strong @ Trinity. We really did like the new doctor. He seemed very thorough and listened to everything we had to say. One of the best things was that we could actually understand everything he was saying. The previous neuro had some type of middle eastern accent.

Johnny had been having some problems with his medicine so he adjusted that today and then sent him for some blood work and a CT scan. The CT was to check and see if the "spot" is doing anything any different. If the spot happen to be getting larger then surgery would need to be moved up. We will not hear anything from that until probably Monday unless it is something urgent which we do not think it will be. Also, I really don't know what the blood work was for - they didn't say but, once again, if it is bad I am sure they will let us know. for right now everything is still the same. Johnny will start working 8 hour days tomorrow and will do this until surgery. I think we will all be excited about this because it will be a glimpse of normal.

The girls stayed with Brandy today during his appointment so after we got back we took all of the kids swimming for the afternoon. So - needless to say I am pooped! So, unless something interesting happens between now and the time we get CT results you won't hear from me until then! Have a great weekend everybody!!!

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