Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

I thought since yesterday I was in such a horrible mood that today since I am much better, I would post something a little more cheerful. Some of my favorite things are actually people but the title was just too good to pass up!

1) My Hubby - I Love my Husband! He is really the best. There are times that he gets on my nerves so bad I could just scream but, 95% of the time he is great! I truly believe he is the best father my girls could possibly have and the best husband I could ever have. He is caring, supportive, loving, loyal, sensative, & funny. He takes care of me and our children and I love him more now than ever!

2) My Girls - Bailey & Callie - Two of the sweetest girls ever!!! After I had Bailey I was told by many different people that there was no way I could have another baby as good as Bailey...But...I did! (Please know that I am smart enough not to take that chance again though :)) Both of them are often more concerned about each other than themselves. Don't get me wrong, they do their fair share of argueing and fussing but most of the time they would rather have each other than anyone else. Callie told Bailey yesterday morning on the way to school that she was her bestest buddy...and she really meant that!!!

3) My Family - I Love all of my family. Everybody is really loud & obnoxious but really how much fun would family gatherings be if everybody just sat around and looked at each other? Most of the time everybody gets along and enjoys being together. Most of all I believe that if anyone is ever in need of anything someone in the family is always there to help.

4) Spring/Fall - My idea of a perfect weather day is 65-75 degrees, sun shining, and not a cloud in the sky. It is so nice to be able to be outside with either no jacket or not sweating to death. I really don't like either one of those things.

5) Sunday afternoon naps - For as long as I can remember I have always loved taking naps on Sunday afternoons. There is just something about getting home from church - eating lunch - and crawling in the bed for a nice long nap. So far Bailey has not learned to appreciate this time but I am hoping she will learn!

6) The Beach - There was a time I did not like the beach at all - I would have rather gone to the lake. But now I think I would rather go to the beach. There is nothing better than putting your chair on the edge of the water...just enough for the waves to splash you on the feet, get something to drink, and a good book. I could do this all day long!

7) Surprises - I love surprises! It doesn't matter how big or small the surprise I love it! I have no idea how old I was but I know I was pretty young...My Mom worked and when she would come home in the afternoons occasionally she would have me a surprise. I might have been a special drink or a piece of candy but I remember loving that. Also, for Christmas every year my parents would ask me and my brothers if we just wanted money or if we wanted gifts that were surprises. I would always choose the surprises! (no surprise they chose the money) I actually had a surprise this afternoon...when I got home from work Johnny had cleaned the house and put in our new washing machine. That was a really good surprise!

8) Bedtime - that would be now. I love going to bed at night...so I believe I will do that now.

I have more things that are my favorite but I believe I will save them for another day!

See ya!!!

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