Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away!!!

Today is a nasty nasty day. I think we will all stay home and be lazy! Most of the time I am not very good at planning, unless it is planning a party or something and I am All About That! Anyway, last night when I was at the store I knew today would be gross and that the girls would drive me crazy if they were not occupied. SO, I purchased a big pack of copy paper and water color paints - I thought that would take a while. Then I bought construction paper - my girls love nothing better than colored paper, scissors, and glue. I also have the stuff to make peanut butter playdough...that project may have to wait for a different day though. I'm not quite sure I am up to that :).

As for me...I think I may bake. I have really been in the baking mood this week. I know I have everything to make an apple crisp. So I will let you knwo how that turns out. And I am so sure I will wash clothes and dishes (the story of my life).

Well I am needing some breakfast. So, I hope everyone has a good lazy day and stays out of the nasty weather!

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