Friday, March 12, 2010

Silly Songs and Sickness

Recently I purchased a CD for the girls to listen to in the car. Occasionally, we have to get new ones because I just get completely sick of listening to the same thing over and over and over again. Anyway, the one I got was called Silly Songs. Now, we have had silly song CD's before but I do believe this is the silliest of all! My favorite song is the Weenie Man song. If I could sing it for you I would. But, since I can't right now here are the words...
I know a weenie man
He owns a weenie stand
He sells most anything
from hotdogs on down (oh baby)
Someday I'll change his life
I'll be his weenie wife
Hotdog I love that weenie man!
Cute huh??? So, needless to say, I have been singing this song in my head all day long. I had to sing it for everybody at lunch today. They were quite impressed! the sickness part of this post. Uuuhhhhggggggggggg
The stomach bug seems to be running rampid all around me. First it was my Dad, then it was my father-in-law, then it was all of Brandy's family, AND NOW IT'S JOHNNY!!!! He came home from work early today and has been in bed since. Let's just say that the bathroom and the bedroom has been his favorite two rooms today. I am trying very hard to stay away from him and also for the kids to stay away. But, I don't know that even my very best efforts will help anything. I am now just praying that somehow someway the girls and I will avoid it.

1 comment:

  1. I think we sang that song when you were little - it was either your childhood or mine...
