Sunday, February 21, 2010

Take Two

Well as you can see it has been quite a while since my last post. I think I was so overwhelmed with the beach trip I just could not continue to write about it or anything else. So, today I have decided to start again.

Part of the problem before was that I thought I had to have something really great to say. Something really funny, clever, or meaningful. But, I have now decided that you really might care about the day to day meaningless ramble that I am totally capable of. And...if not...well, just don't read my blog! How about that?

Ok, so, today is Sunday. We did our normal Sunday thing. Got up, went to church, lunch, & sleep. It was however, a beautiful day. After our nap I decided we should go out and jump on the trampoline that Santa brought. Today was the first day that I actually jumped on it. I forgot how much fun it was! I also figured out today how much I was really out of shape. I mean I guess I really knew but I just didn't think that jumping like that could make me tired. I guess its a combination of getting older and WAY out of shape. So, maybe I should do it more often.

Well, I think I will end this post now. There is a whole lot more I could say about things that have been happening over that last month or so, but I won't...since I am starting fresh.

I will say to all of you who might be wondering about Callie...she is doing fine. She had her tubes on Thursday. She is feeling lots better now. She is just acting normal...just being Callie.

Oh, one more thing, Bailey starts Cheer Camp tomorrow after school. She is super excited! She will go every day after school this week for an hour and learn a routine. They will perform at the PTO meeting in March.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your day to day meaningless continue on...


    P.S. It's the 28th and I just figured out today that you had updated.
