Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fun Fun Day

Our day today started out busy. We decided that we could go to Payton's rag ball game this morning, which started at 10:15. It is always fun to watch those games. Rag ball is really t-ball for beginners. They don't keep score or anything so really it is more of the kids learning what to do when and how. Today was their 3rd game and I think that my knowledge of t-ball, baseball, softball, whatever is about on the same level with these 4 year old kids that played today. The Lord truly knew what he was doing when he gave me my girls. There is nothing At All that appeals to be at the ball park. It's hot, there are bugs, there is Lots and Lots of dirt, and there are ball games going on that I know nothing about. So, needless to say I am very glad I have a dancing girl and not a ball playing girl.

Oh, speaking of dance...Bailey had her picture made at dance this are a few pictures of her with her friends. These girls absolutely love each other. If at all possible they will be together. Bailey, Brianna, and Alyssa.
Sorry...these pictures really are cute, I copied them from facebook so I couldn't make them any bigger. But, if you are interested you can go to my pictures on my profile page and see them a little better.
Next, we went to Brandy's house for the afternoon - I had bought some material and t-shirts so she could help me sew a few skirts and then put something on the shirts to match. They all turned out really good. I was really proud of myself. It was really a team effort. I really did most of the sewing except for the parts I really didn't know how to do. And...I didn't stuff on the t-shirts because I really didn't know what buttons to push. Oh well! We completed 4 outfits - 2 for Bailey and 2 for Callie.

Last, we all had dinner together. Jeff grilled some chicken and then we had yellow rice and salad. Oh and for dessert we had apple pie and ice cream. Yum Yum! you might imagine...I am pooped! So I will be going to bed now. See Ya!

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