Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Boohoo or Yahoo???

This morning I was invited the Boohoo Yahoo breakfast at Bailey's school. This breakfast is provided by the PTO for the parents of kindergarten and 1st graders. The idea is after you drop your child off for the first day of school you go to mix and mingle with the other parents. Some are literally boohooing and some are saying YAHOO!!! I don't really think I was doing either one. I was definitely not boohooing but I can't say I was saying yahoo either (at least not where anyone could hear me). In the past I have been accused of being heartless. That is really not the case. I really do get that this is your baby and they are growing up but I also am of the opinion that this is part of life. This is what happens. You knew it would. You have prepared your child for the past 5 to 6 years for this very moment. proud, be excited, and send them on their way so soak up as much as they possibly can.

That was my soapbox and I will now stop. Anyway - Bailey had her first day of 1st grade today. She was super excited before she left and she was equally excited when she got home. She brought home several papers that she had completed during the day today. They will have their first test on Friday. This is a list of probably 20 sight words that she should be able to recognize immediately. The note from the teacher says she has 3 seconds per word. Let's just say she has got that test covered, no worries there!!!

Callie Rae started back school today also. She has not been in several weeks since everything has been kind of crazy. She has a new teacher who was not able to be there today but hopefully will be back on Friday. Callie is going 2 days per week. We are starting to see lots of signs that she is actually learning while she is there so we are very excited about that. Her favorite thing to do is try to figure out what sound different words start with. Example: C-C-Callie Momma that starts with a C right? Yep! B-B-Bailey that starts with a B right? Yep! What about B-B-Television?? No baby sorry Television says T-T-Television T! See? So - needless to say this is a work in progress but, she tries!!!

Johnny is doing much better. He is slowly but surely getting better every day. Right now he is on an antibiotic for an ear infection that is causing most of his pain. He will start back to work light duty next Wednesday.

Me? Well I got a job! Yippee!!!!! I will start work on 8/16/10 working for Orthopedic Specialist of Alabama. I will be one of their workers compensation specialists. I am really excited about this. It has come at the perfect time and really it is the perfect job for me. The only drawback is that they want me to wear closed toe shoes and that is sort of a problem for me seeing as I don't own any! But, I will be shopping Friday for new work shoes that will go with the work clothes I already have. So I figure if that is the only drawback then I am really doing good!

Well, I think I have given you an update on all four of us. It appears that we are getting back to our new normal which I am very happy about. Its time for bed since we will have to get an early start in the morning. Good Night!

1 comment:

  1. Praise excited to see that you have some good news in that household girl. Your situation has caused to think and rethink the fact that our lives can change in a moment. So love the moment you are in.
