Saturday, March 13, 2010

Egg Lobbing and Coloring Windows

When I was younger I never really was mischievous. Yes, I got into my fair share of trouble but nothing that would involve other people. I never rolled a house, I never floured a vehicle, or went ding dong ditching (ring the door bell and run). I also never egged anyones car or house. But...If I were to have the opportunity now and knew I wouldn't get in trouble or damage someones property I would so go and lob eggs at just about anything! I have discovered in my adult years that this is really fun to do. I know you are trying to figure out just how I know about this. Well...I buy eggs (as most people do) and sometimes we eat all of them and sometimes we don't. For some reason I have a problem with throwing old eggs in the garbage can. So, I open the back door and lob the eggs into the woods. Generally I try and hit a tree or something so I can watch it splat! Think about it, the way an egg is shaped and the weight of an egg makes it perfect for throwing. It will just roll off of the tips of your fingers and hit just about wherever you are aiming. And then when you do hit your target SPLAT eggs guts go everywhere! So, my challenge to you it to try it...see how you like it. I promise you will love it.

Now, this morning I went to Wal-Mart and had an amazing discovery. We all know that Crayola products are way better than others. For example, Rose Art...nobody wants Rose Art crayons. They are really waxy and never color as well as a Crayola crayon. So this morning I was going to get the girls a new box of Crayola crayons and a new coloring book. I knew we were going to be home all day and they would enjoy something new. Then I found these! Crayola Window Crayons!!! They are so neat! I opened the blinds in their room and they went to town! Then when they were done all it took was a tiny bit of Windex and a paper towel and it was gone! No big mess. Easy clean-up. I really think the big attraction to this product is that 1) its lots of fun and 2) it feels like you are doing something you are not supposed to do. I will say I did have to draw on the kitchen window just to check them out and I like them too! So, if you have children or have some that come to your house occasionally, I highly recommend that you grab a pack next time you are at Wal-Mart.

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