Friday, July 2, 2010

I know nothing


Well this morning I knew nothing - now I know something! Surgery is now scheduled for July 26 @ 12:00 p.m. This is a Monday. The Friday before he will have blood work and a MRI.

Oh yeah I almost forgot, the dog died. Bailey went out to feed her this morning and said that Fiona was sleeping late today because she didn't even wake up to eat and she didn't want to wake up yesterday either. There was our first clue. I had one child crying that she missed Fiona (even though she never even looked at the dog) and the other child cracking jokes! So, Fiona is now in doggie heaven running through green pastures chasing rabbits and eating steak everyday. Johnny dug her grave today and has burried her. Callie wanted to wear a dress to Gran's house today so Bailey said that was for the funeral. Bailey was convinced that we wanted them to go to Gran & Grandaddy's house today so they wouldn't have to think about Fiona. Whatever makes her happy!

Hi everybody. It has now been 10 days (including weekends) since we sat in the surgeon's office and tried to schedule surgery for Johnny. At that time we were told they would call us the next day with a date. Well as you can see that has NOT happened. I have called literally every day - sometime twice a day asking about a surgery day and EVERY day I am told that she (the surgery scheduler) is hounding the doctor for him to look at his schedule and see where Johnny would fit in and he has not done that. So...I know nothing. But when I do...I will let you know.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch we are just hanging out. I have made lots of calls this week trying to find a job. I have worked on my resume trying to get it just perfect. I don't want to sound too smart but I also don't want to sound like I am full of crap! But...I do want to sound like I am a hot item to be had and they better hurry up and hire me before somebody else snatches me up! I am in the final review stages so hopefully next week I can email it to as many people as possible.

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