Monday, July 5, 2010

Weekend in Review and now the weekdays

Well - it has been a couple of days since my last post so I thought I would give everyone an update of what we have been up to. My last post was on Friday. After my post Mom and Dad were so nice to take the girls and let them spend the night to give Johnny and I a much needed break. We really didn't do anything exciting but it was nice. Habaneros and a movie at home.

Saturday was the annual July 4th Cox Family Extravaganza. 41 people attended this event - all but maybe 5 or 6 were family members. This even is one of 2 per year that the entire Cox family has. The other one is Christmas. We have these gatherings @ Johnny's Aunt Donna's house. She really has the perfect place. For the Summer event she has a very nice pool so everyone can stay cool and entertained. Also, for both of these events they have made their garage very nice to use. They keep it very clean and have heat and air. There is plenty of room for the kids to run wild!

Sunday we decided to lay low. Johnny wasn't really feeling well so we didn't go to church. Later that evening we went to his parents house and ate left over BBQ. My mother-in-law had her sewing machine out so I decided to make crayon rolls. I made 2 different ones and and ended up giving them to my niece and nephew. Oh - just in case you didn't know - Walmart now has their school supplies on sale - Crayola Crayons are .30 per box.

Monday - I took the girls swimming for a couple of hours while Johnny went with his dad for a much needed fishing break. They just went down to the river but had a good time. Later that afternoon we loaded up and went to mom and dads for dinner. We had boston butt (which Callie loves to say), grilled chicken, corn, baked beans, creamed potatoes, and something else but I forgot. OHHH home-made ice cream! Yummy! The girls spent the night since I needed to have Johnny @ a doctor appt on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday (today) - Johnny had his 1st neuro-psych test today. He had to be there @ 9:00am and did not finish until 5pm. The first hour I was in there with him and we just discussed everything that had been going on. After that I left while he stayed and took lots of tests. These were to test his short-term memory, problem solving, and overall brain functions. From the sounds of it he did pretty good. I know from what he told me that I would have failed miserably! While he was testing I did some running around. I had lunch with a friend and went by my old office to pick up some things that I had left behind. I went to Lifeway, Target, and Oak Hill for lunch.

Well so no earth shattering news to give, just thought everyone would like to know what has been going on and that we are surviving. Tomorrow, Callie is going to daycare and I am going to take Johnny back downtown to complete paperwork so that he can return to work on 8 hr days starting this Friday. Thursday, he has a neurologist appt. We have decided to change his neurologist to a doctor that was recommended by they psych dr. today. This new guy from what she says truly has the patient's best interest in mind when diagnosing and putting together a treatment plan. We were told that this doctor is currently treating on of her other patients with basically this same problems has Johnny - this patient is also a firefighter. The new dr. really tries to do what is best for the patient medically and also takes into account your job and what it takes to do your job.

Anyway, I will update again sometime Thursday after the next appt.

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