Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I have a new project.

When I start a project of any kind I need to feel instant gratification. I do like to be creative and do new things but with all of these things I need to see a result...and I need to see it pretty quick. I am not good with details. Even with something as simple as coloring a picture, I am going to choose a picture with very little detail. The pictures I would generally choose would be something that a 1st or 2nd grader would color. Another example would be that I love going to Sips n Strokes. If you have not heard of this, it is a place where you go for 2 hours. At the end of that 2 hours you leave with a canvas that you have painted and it actually looks pretty good!

All that being said, I usually don't take on "projects". When you say the word "project" to me that means something that is going to take a really long time to complete. But, I feel like I am currently working on a "project".

So, to explain my project, first I must tell you two more things. 1) I like to eat. If you have ever seen me or been around me for any amount of time you know this. 2) I like to bake. I love anything sweet. With all that being said, I have a new friend. This new friend has a HORRIBLE problem! She is allergic to basically everything! To my knowledge she is allergic to eggs, milk, beef, nuts, seeds, and tomatoes. Think about it...SHE CAN'T EAT ANYTHING!!!! How in the world can I be friends with someone who really can't eat??? So...I have made it my mission to find something that this girl can eat! For heaven's sake she is skinny as a rail! You can see bones!!!

I began my search with cake. Her birthday is coming up and everybody should be able to eat cake for their birthday right? So I ask her...What do you normally eat instead of cake for your birthday since you can't have milk or eggs? Nothing. She gets NO sweets! She gets chicken. Finally, after searching on the internet I come across a chocolate cake and chocolate icing that does not have milk or eggs. First I planned on waiting until her birthday and making this cake but I just could not stand it. I had to know how in the world you could make this without milk or eggs and it actually taste good and look like a real cake. So, tonight I made the cake. It turned out really good. It looked and tasted good. Go figure??? So while it was still warm I had to take this cake to her. Unless she is a really good liar - she like it!

Really I don't see how in the world she would Not like it. While I was there she let me taste some fake peanut butter she had purchased. It was made from soy beans. It was NASTY!!! It didn't smell or taste anything like peanut butter. Then she all of these different mixes she had bought that she could have.

There you have it. She is now my project. She better take me for all I'm worth right now because I have a very short attention span and pretty soon my ADD will kick in and she won't get anything else. So anyone out there who actually read this whole rambling post - if you have any recipes or food ideas that might fatten up my poor dear friend, please comment on this post with your ideas.


  1. Please take a deep breathe.. That was so sweet of you, I knew you had some sweetness in you somewhere, hehe. No really, I am proud of you. You did not post how you made it.
