Monday, July 12, 2010

Little Betty Butt Kiss

It has been a while since I posted anything. I really don't have any earth shattering news but just thought I would let you know what we have been up to.

For the first order of business, I did find out Friday afternoon that Johnny's surgery time has been changed. The surgery will still be on Monday July 26 but will now be @ 7:00 a.m. instead of 12:00 p.m. We are pretty glad about that. Now there won't be quite as much time for Johnny to sit around and wait and not be able to eat or drink. (mostly drink since I am sure he won't feel like eating anyway) So, now Friday 7/23 @ 9:30 Johnny will have to be at the surgeon's office to have markers glued to his head and then have an MRI. After the MRI he will have normal pre-op blood work.

I told you last week that he had another CT scan on Thursday. We have still not heard anything about this so I am assuming no news is good news. Monday Bailey and I drove all over Birmingham hospital hopping. We went to St. Vincents to pick up the original MRI and CT films and then took them to Trinity to be compared to the most recent CT.

Lately, we have actually done things that had nothing to do with doctors or hospitals. Saturday afternoon I decided that I wanted to sew something. I have been making crayon rolls but I really didn't want to make another one of those. I decided I wanted to make a quilt. I went down to our storage building and found three different receiving blankets that I used with Callie. I cut them up into squares and then sewed them all together. I have not quite finished this project but that is what I plan on doing tomorrow. So far it has turned out pretty good and it has also been pretty fun.

Sunday we were very busy. The day did not end any way that I thought it would. We got up and went to church. After church we went to Jeff & Brandy's for lunch. We left their house around 2:00 and then came home to do what we do best on Sunday afternoons...took a nap! Around 3:00 Bailey come running into our room and says that Nana and Paw Paw are here. I knew nothing about them coming over. They generally do not show up unannounced but they did then! So needless to say I was just a touch aggravated. Well, I was aggravated until he told me he was here to pressure wash the house. After a while I asked him how hard it would be to take the shutters down to paint - Little did I know it was just a matter of 2 screws each! So he took them all down while I went to Walmart and bought paint. We have lived in this house 4 years now with faded green shutters, so now - those faded green shutters are brown. I still have to put another coat of paint on them and we are trying to decide what color to paint the door.

Now, I am sure you are all trying to figure out why in the world I would put a title on this blog of Little Betty Butt Kiss. Well Monday Callie went to daycare for the day while Bailey & I did our errands. When Callie got in the car she was cracking herself up saying this. When I asked her where this came from she said they had watched a movie at school and it said this. So, me being the nosy person I am, sent her teacher a message on facebook asking what in the world my 3 year old was watching at school today. Now I must also add that I was not at all upset about this, I really thought it was kinda funny. Ms. Jen was not really sure what Callie could have been talking about since all they had watched in her class that morning was Bob the Builder but she was going to find out and let me know.

Today I am pooped. We got up this morning and made it to Trussville movie theater by 10 a.m. to watch a movie. I had been told that at this theater you could watch Toy Story for free at 10 on Tuesdays. Once we raced to get there I found out that this was not entirely true. In my mind when I was given this information I automatically thought they were talking about Toy Story 3...not so much. Two weeks ago they played one of the old Toy Story movies. Today we could choose from Rugrats the Movie or Back at the Barnyard. We chose Rugrats because I knew they had seen the Barnyard movie before. Bad choice. That had to be one of the dumbest movies every. I am not saying this because I just didn't like sir...the girls didn't really like it either. We ended up leaving after it had been on about 40 minutes. We left there and I decided to take them to the splash pad in Gardendale. We went and stayed there for about 45 mins. or so and then went to Chick-fil-A for lunch and then the thrift store. (I am not sure if I have ever blogged about the thrift store or not but I am sure its coming again even if I have)

Lastly, tonight we had our niece and nephew for a few hours. I was once again reminded why we decided it was a good idea for Johnny to have a little procedure about 3 years ago. All of the kids were pretty good they just all have their ideas of how things should go and the others don't always agree. I cooked dinner and then we made chocolate chip cookies so I managed to stay busy most of the evening.

The house is now quiet so I think I am going to go to bed.

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