Thursday, July 22, 2010


Isn't she the cutest thing you have ever seen? I sure think so! This photo was taken pretty early in the morning on Tuesday. Monday we took Callie to the doctor for some really bad looking places on her bottom. They were very painful and looked really bad. The pediatrician said he would rather not try and do anything and that we should take her to Children's Hospital. Our first thought was that they would slightly sedate her and lance these spots. Well they thought it would be in her best interest to keep her overnight and take her to surgery on Tuesday morning. Needless to say the E.R visit was pretty traumatic. There were lots of doctors and nurses wanting to look at her bottom and Callie didn't like that idea too much at all. Also, Callie said there was a purple lady that was really mean but everybody else was nice. The "purple lady" was actually a very sweet nurse with purple scrubs on - she was the lucky one that got to start both of Callie's I.V. The first one only worked for about an hour or two and then the vein blew so they had to start another one.

Once we got into a room she calmed down drastically. She ended up having a male nurse which at first I thought would not be a good thing. I really thought she would have responded better to a female. I guess the purple lady traumatized her so much that Mr. Brian was looking pretty good to her. He was super sweet to her and made her feel very comfortable. Callie was being typical Callie after just a few minutes. When Mr. Brian asked if she needed anything, she really took that to heart. She started bossing him around from the very start. She needed movies and snacks and juice and if he was not quick enough she let him a nice way...sorta.

Neither one of us slept very good on Monday night so around 3:30 or 4 we were both wide away watching t.v. and asking Mr. Brian for juice and sprite. We finally drifted back off to sleep around 5:30 and then all of the commotion started around 6 so it was really pointless. Finally around 7:00 we got up and started walking the halls. I did find one way that Callie is like her Daddy - she loved talking to the nurses at the desk. We had to walk up and down the halls several times so she could talk to them and try to scare Mr. Brian.

Finally around 9:30 or so they came and got her for surgery. She did very well during surgery but does not wake up happy at all from anesthesia. She has done pretty good since we have been home. The RX they have her on has been a challenge getting her to take. It is the capsules that you are supposed to break and put on food. The only thing we have found so far that she can tolerate to mix it with is chocolate syrup (thank you Aunt Joy!). Other than that she is doing good. I am seeing constant improvement.

Please continue to keep us all in your prayers. Johnny goes tomorrow for his pre-op testing - MRI and bloodwork. Monday is the big day. We are both starting to get nervous and scared. We are trying to keep remembering that God is in control and he is going to get us through this.

1 comment:

  1. Yes....that she is so cute .Adorable! I hate that you guys are going through all of this. Glad to see you still have your sense of humor! I will continue to pray for you.
