Monday, August 2, 2010

A week ago today

One week ago today I was sitting in the surgery waiting room at St. Vincent's hospital anxiously waiting for Johnny's surgery to be completed. The day was extremely long. He was instructed to arrive at the hospital at 5:00 a.m. which we did. They quickly took him to a room and started the paperwork process of getting him ready. Around 5:50 they wheeled him back to the official prep area where they would start all of his IVs and he would then wait for surgery. Also at this time we said goodbye. This was totally unexpected since in the past for any surgery we have known about they would keep you in your room with your family until time for surgery. We had talked to all of the rest of our family and told them that they should wait until around 6 to arrive at the hospital and that would give everyone time to get settled. Well...since it was so different his parents were not able to see him before surgery. As you can imagine this was quite upsetting to them.

Finally around 8:30 I received a call that surgery had begun and everything was going well. So, let the official waiting begin. I have later found out that before they could start surgery they had to map out everything on and in his head. The Friday prior to surgery the nurse had glued dots to Johnny's head to serve as guide points for the surgeon. After surgery we found out that there was around a 45 minute delay in starting surgery because these markers had moved over the weekend so, everything had to be lined back up.

About 11:30 we were sent to a conference room to meet with the doctor. He came in and let us know that the surgery was a success! They were able to remove the entire cavernoma, which had by the way gotten larger. The Dr. cleaned up all around where the spot had been and completely took care of it!

Johnny has done amazingly well. He was released from ICU and in a regular room by early Tuesday morning. Then by 10:00 Wednesday morning he was released to go home. Since he has been home his has really done well. He has been in quite a bit of pain but, that is totally expected. He is on several different medications which all seem to help. One of the major problems his is having is that he is not able to sleep very well. They have him on steroids which wire him up. Also, the other problem is where they cut through his jaw muscle. This is what is causing the majority of his pain and problems. He has a hard time lying down and getting comfortable. But in the grand scheme of things these complaints are really nothing. He managed to go through a major surgery successfully with just minor complaints afterwards.

God has truly had a plan for us. He continues to show us everyday that he is still in control. Last night at church the preacher talked about life interruptions. Sometimes those interruptions are really God trying to get your attention. I truly believe that everything that has gone on with us recently is God - he wanted Johnny and I back. He wants to use our family in a great way so we are waiting patiently to find out what that is. I'm not going to say it has been easy or that it will be in the future but, we do know there is a plan. Please continue to pray for us on this journey that we will seek the Lord and follow his plan and not our own.

Now. During the past week it has been just a touch crazy to say the least. When I was not pulling my hair out I tried to make all of this craziness fun for the girls. I did not accomplish this perfectly but here are a few things they did this week. Most of the things they did I stole the idea from
McMama but the girls had fun!

Dried Beans and Trucks
Finger Painting - They really had a lot of fun doing this. We are going to hang it in their bedroom!

Watercolor paint in the tub. Callie couldn't soak in the tub because of her hiney so we improvised!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, I am so glad that Johnny is improving day by day, I have been thinking about yall, I am gonna do something for yall, I want to do supper for yall, when school gets started back, I will get with ya. Let me know if I can do anything. Love ya girl.
