Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I Won!!!!

There was a battle at our house tonight. A battle of the wills'...and I won!!! I cooked dinner tonight (which I rarely do), I fixed corn on the cob and sloppy joe's. We all sat down at the table and started to eat. The first thing Callie said was that she did NOT like sloppy joe's. I told her that it was just like a chopped up hamburger and it was really good. I also told her that she didn't know if she liked it or not because she had not tried it. Then...the battle was ON!!! I told her she needed to eat her corn and that she had to try one bite of the sloppy joe meat - and if she didn't like it she didn't have to eat any more. She did Not want to try it. She cried, she begged, she refused...but I won. She eventually put a bite in her mouth. She tried to spit it out before she even chewed it (I wouldn't let her). Finally she chewed the bite up and swallowed it. Once it was down I asked her if she like it - Her response??? Yes, I like it, I was just teasing you!!! If that was teasing, I must be crazy!!!


  1. Was you mean to my baby? You better not be - you'll be in trouble with her Gran!!!
