Monday, March 22, 2010


Sometimes are you ever just ill? No reason really why. Just mad. At everything and everybody. I am sure you have. Most people get that way every now and then. Well...I am that way now. I have absolutely no reason why, I just am. I started getting that way about 4:00 today and it has just gone downhill from there.

I stopped by the store on my way home today to get stuff for supper. I stopped at a grocery store where I dont usually stop. I saw some family members in there that I had not seen for a long time. I was really hoping they didn't recognise me because I really didn't want to have to be nice. That's really bad isn't it?? Well, I would have to say "Hi, how are you? How are all of you kids? (that I can never remember who does what and even where they live)" Then they would ask about me and all of my immediate family. To which, I would response that everybody was fine. Very superficial. None of us would have really cared about the conversation. So...I saved everybody the trouble of that conversation and just avoided them!

Then I come home and fix supper. It did turn out pretty good but I just really didn't want to do it. Right now, the girls are in the tub waiting for me to come and bathe them...which I don't want to do either. I really think it would be best if I just go to bed and start all over tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be better then.

Sorry guys...Not sure why I decided to post this but I guess it was therapy for myself. know...just since I have typed all of this out I all ready feel better. Not sure what it was all about but I guess the crazy people at work who called me all flippin day long just got on my nerves and I just haven't been able to shake it yet.

Oh, on a happier note, my Easter dress came in the mail today! I can't wait to wear it on Sunday. Yes...I know this Sunday is not Easter. We are going to have Easter with Mom & Dad this coming up Sunday since actual Easter Sunday is usually so crazy. Also, I had bought a few things for the girl's Easter basket last week and just left it in the back of my car. Well Miss Nosie Rosie Bailey started digging around back there this morning before I got in the car and found the stuff! Of course she was wanting to know what it was for and who it was for. So, I just told her it was stuff I had bought to give her and Callie for Easter and now it wouldn't be a surprise anymore! Oh well. I guess now I have to find a better hiding spot for the Easter Bunny stuff!

All right, I think I am all better now. I am going to bathe the girls and put them to bed then put myself to bed. I think it would be best for everybody.

See Ya!

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