Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Glacias means Thank You - Thank you for shopping at Walmart!

This is the phrase I have heard all evening long. Between school, t.v., and books the girls have learned a few spanish words. I am not quite sure where the the entire phrase came from they this it is really funny. The other spanish word for the evening was Lemonada. "Mom can I have some lemonada?" " Mom can I have more lemonada?" "I choked on my lemonada!"

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

I thought since yesterday I was in such a horrible mood that today since I am much better, I would post something a little more cheerful. Some of my favorite things are actually people but the title was just too good to pass up!

1) My Hubby - I Love my Husband! He is really the best. There are times that he gets on my nerves so bad I could just scream but, 95% of the time he is great! I truly believe he is the best father my girls could possibly have and the best husband I could ever have. He is caring, supportive, loving, loyal, sensative, & funny. He takes care of me and our children and I love him more now than ever!

2) My Girls - Bailey & Callie - Two of the sweetest girls ever!!! After I had Bailey I was told by many different people that there was no way I could have another baby as good as Bailey...But...I did! (Please know that I am smart enough not to take that chance again though :)) Both of them are often more concerned about each other than themselves. Don't get me wrong, they do their fair share of argueing and fussing but most of the time they would rather have each other than anyone else. Callie told Bailey yesterday morning on the way to school that she was her bestest buddy...and she really meant that!!!

3) My Family - I Love all of my family. Everybody is really loud & obnoxious but really how much fun would family gatherings be if everybody just sat around and looked at each other? Most of the time everybody gets along and enjoys being together. Most of all I believe that if anyone is ever in need of anything someone in the family is always there to help.

4) Spring/Fall - My idea of a perfect weather day is 65-75 degrees, sun shining, and not a cloud in the sky. It is so nice to be able to be outside with either no jacket or not sweating to death. I really don't like either one of those things.

5) Sunday afternoon naps - For as long as I can remember I have always loved taking naps on Sunday afternoons. There is just something about getting home from church - eating lunch - and crawling in the bed for a nice long nap. So far Bailey has not learned to appreciate this time but I am hoping she will learn!

6) The Beach - There was a time I did not like the beach at all - I would have rather gone to the lake. But now I think I would rather go to the beach. There is nothing better than putting your chair on the edge of the water...just enough for the waves to splash you on the feet, get something to drink, and a good book. I could do this all day long!

7) Surprises - I love surprises! It doesn't matter how big or small the surprise I love it! I have no idea how old I was but I know I was pretty young...My Mom worked and when she would come home in the afternoons occasionally she would have me a surprise. I might have been a special drink or a piece of candy but I remember loving that. Also, for Christmas every year my parents would ask me and my brothers if we just wanted money or if we wanted gifts that were surprises. I would always choose the surprises! (no surprise they chose the money) I actually had a surprise this afternoon...when I got home from work Johnny had cleaned the house and put in our new washing machine. That was a really good surprise!

8) Bedtime - that would be now. I love going to bed at I believe I will do that now.

I have more things that are my favorite but I believe I will save them for another day!

See ya!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Sometimes are you ever just ill? No reason really why. Just mad. At everything and everybody. I am sure you have. Most people get that way every now and then. Well...I am that way now. I have absolutely no reason why, I just am. I started getting that way about 4:00 today and it has just gone downhill from there.

I stopped by the store on my way home today to get stuff for supper. I stopped at a grocery store where I dont usually stop. I saw some family members in there that I had not seen for a long time. I was really hoping they didn't recognise me because I really didn't want to have to be nice. That's really bad isn't it?? Well, I would have to say "Hi, how are you? How are all of you kids? (that I can never remember who does what and even where they live)" Then they would ask about me and all of my immediate family. To which, I would response that everybody was fine. Very superficial. None of us would have really cared about the conversation. So...I saved everybody the trouble of that conversation and just avoided them!

Then I come home and fix supper. It did turn out pretty good but I just really didn't want to do it. Right now, the girls are in the tub waiting for me to come and bathe them...which I don't want to do either. I really think it would be best if I just go to bed and start all over tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be better then.

Sorry guys...Not sure why I decided to post this but I guess it was therapy for myself. know...just since I have typed all of this out I all ready feel better. Not sure what it was all about but I guess the crazy people at work who called me all flippin day long just got on my nerves and I just haven't been able to shake it yet.

Oh, on a happier note, my Easter dress came in the mail today! I can't wait to wear it on Sunday. Yes...I know this Sunday is not Easter. We are going to have Easter with Mom & Dad this coming up Sunday since actual Easter Sunday is usually so crazy. Also, I had bought a few things for the girl's Easter basket last week and just left it in the back of my car. Well Miss Nosie Rosie Bailey started digging around back there this morning before I got in the car and found the stuff! Of course she was wanting to know what it was for and who it was for. So, I just told her it was stuff I had bought to give her and Callie for Easter and now it wouldn't be a surprise anymore! Oh well. I guess now I have to find a better hiding spot for the Easter Bunny stuff!

All right, I think I am all better now. I am going to bathe the girls and put them to bed then put myself to bed. I think it would be best for everybody.

See Ya!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Three Orange Cats

While I am writing this Callie is sitting beside me singing a song about 3 orange cats. The only words she seems to know is "Three Orange Cats" Oh well, its cute anyway.

I think I am actually going to stay home today. I am really tired so I think I will just be lazy. I have lots of clothes that need folding. I am really trying to get motivated to just get started. I have decided I will turn on a movie and sit on my bed and fold all the clothes. Yes, there are a lot that I have to fold. We are really good at washing and not so good at folding and putting away.

Yesterday we decided that I would take 1/2 day off work and take the girls to the zoo. Once we turned on the road in front of the zoo, we decided immediatly that it would be a horrible idea. It was PACKED! People were parked on both sides of the road from the beginning of that road and on past the zoo and walking to the entrance. We really didn't want to fight with the crowds so we decided to take an exciting trip to Vulcan. We had never taken the girls there and it was such a beautiful day that we decided to see how they would like that. We had a good time, Callie didn't love the idea of being at the top and looking down but she didn't get too upset. Her favorite part was that Vulcan has a really big bootie! She was really upset that we weren't going to the zoo so Johnny told her that we were going to see the biggest bootie ever...needless to say that made her happy! I was feeling kind of like a bad parent for telling our 3 year old that we were going to see a big bootie until we were in like waiting for our tickets and I heard another mother point out to her young son how big Vulcan's bootie was!

Well, it is now 12:00 and there are 5 baskets of clothes calling my name. See ya!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I have a new love!!!

Dresses. Until the end of last Summer I had not worn dresses in several years. So, last year I bought 2 different dresses. I wore then all the time. Now, so far this year I have bought 5 new dresses. I really can't wait to wear them! I just think life will be much easier if I can just sling on a dress and some cute flops! I tell's amazing what 20lbs can do for you...mentally and physically! Here is a picture of the lastest purchase (tonight). This is going to be my Easter dress this year. I am thinking I need shiny red shoes and some chunky red jewels!

What do you think?????

Oh, and by the way...the dress looks WAY cuter on me than it does this girl!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Egg Lobbing and Coloring Windows

When I was younger I never really was mischievous. Yes, I got into my fair share of trouble but nothing that would involve other people. I never rolled a house, I never floured a vehicle, or went ding dong ditching (ring the door bell and run). I also never egged anyones car or house. But...If I were to have the opportunity now and knew I wouldn't get in trouble or damage someones property I would so go and lob eggs at just about anything! I have discovered in my adult years that this is really fun to do. I know you are trying to figure out just how I know about this. Well...I buy eggs (as most people do) and sometimes we eat all of them and sometimes we don't. For some reason I have a problem with throwing old eggs in the garbage can. So, I open the back door and lob the eggs into the woods. Generally I try and hit a tree or something so I can watch it splat! Think about it, the way an egg is shaped and the weight of an egg makes it perfect for throwing. It will just roll off of the tips of your fingers and hit just about wherever you are aiming. And then when you do hit your target SPLAT eggs guts go everywhere! So, my challenge to you it to try it...see how you like it. I promise you will love it.

Now, this morning I went to Wal-Mart and had an amazing discovery. We all know that Crayola products are way better than others. For example, Rose Art...nobody wants Rose Art crayons. They are really waxy and never color as well as a Crayola crayon. So this morning I was going to get the girls a new box of Crayola crayons and a new coloring book. I knew we were going to be home all day and they would enjoy something new. Then I found these! Crayola Window Crayons!!! They are so neat! I opened the blinds in their room and they went to town! Then when they were done all it took was a tiny bit of Windex and a paper towel and it was gone! No big mess. Easy clean-up. I really think the big attraction to this product is that 1) its lots of fun and 2) it feels like you are doing something you are not supposed to do. I will say I did have to draw on the kitchen window just to check them out and I like them too! So, if you have children or have some that come to your house occasionally, I highly recommend that you grab a pack next time you are at Wal-Mart.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Silly Songs and Sickness

Recently I purchased a CD for the girls to listen to in the car. Occasionally, we have to get new ones because I just get completely sick of listening to the same thing over and over and over again. Anyway, the one I got was called Silly Songs. Now, we have had silly song CD's before but I do believe this is the silliest of all! My favorite song is the Weenie Man song. If I could sing it for you I would. But, since I can't right now here are the words...
I know a weenie man
He owns a weenie stand
He sells most anything
from hotdogs on down (oh baby)
Someday I'll change his life
I'll be his weenie wife
Hotdog I love that weenie man!
Cute huh??? So, needless to say, I have been singing this song in my head all day long. I had to sing it for everybody at lunch today. They were quite impressed! the sickness part of this post. Uuuhhhhggggggggggg
The stomach bug seems to be running rampid all around me. First it was my Dad, then it was my father-in-law, then it was all of Brandy's family, AND NOW IT'S JOHNNY!!!! He came home from work early today and has been in bed since. Let's just say that the bathroom and the bedroom has been his favorite two rooms today. I am trying very hard to stay away from him and also for the kids to stay away. But, I don't know that even my very best efforts will help anything. I am now just praying that somehow someway the girls and I will avoid it.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Good Morning!

Well it is Sunday morning 9:06 am...I am Mom & Dad's house. We came over last night for dinner and it turned into a sleep-over! I totally lost track of time last night and before I knew it, it was almost 11:00. So, we left, got halfway down the road and decided to turn around and spend the night. One HUGE perk is that Dad is now in the kitchen making homemade waffles!! I can't wait! (I guess I am skipping the diet this morning...oh well)

Bailey has become quite the little reader. They are doing two different contest at school for reading. 1) They have a certain number of books they are supposed to read each month from now until the end of May. If they reach their goal at the end of each month they get a ball to use at the Spring Fling to try and dunk their teacher in the dunking booth. 2) The child that reads the most books in the grade gets a special award on awards day. Needless to say she is reading like crazy! She started yesterday and is working on book #6 right now. Her reading skills have really impressed me. Right now she is ready The Cat & the Hat. She has not asked for any help so far. She reads way faster than I thought she should be able to and also she reads with alot of expression! I think a lot of this is just my really smart child and two I think she really has a great teacher this year. We Love Mrs. Langston!!!

I have a new found love for thrift stores and consignment sales. Over the past week I have been to 2 thrift stores and 3 consignment sales. I have really gotten some great stuff for the girls for the spring and summer. Some things were brand new with the tags on them and I didn't pay more than $4 for anything! Now I really think I have an addiction. Oh least I'm not addicted to the mall...right???

Well, I smell bacon so I think this is all for today. more thing. Callie did have a fever all day on Thursday and was diagnosed with strep throat. She woke up Friday morning with no fever and has been fine since.