Sunday, September 20, 2009

I Survived...barely.

Well we are home. The weather was great so I didn't have to use any of my tricks. I am just about too tired to give details on this post. I will say there were times that were great and then there were time that really, I am surprised I have any hair left on my head. Overall, it was a good trip, but I am not ready to sign up for next year just yet!

I will give more detail and post pictures later.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ready, Set, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well my friends...we are now packed and ready to go. I think I have packed just about everything in my house!

Now, as for rain activities, we have games, colors, paper, pens, markers, bendaroos, & movies. The only sedative I seem to have is benadryl, but I guess that will work!

It is now 10:47 - we are right on schedule. About to leave and go pick up the girls at school.

Hopefully, we will have intenet connection in the condo so I can give my wonderful fans a taste of a Cox Family Vacation...which will now be referred to as the CFV.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


What in the world are we going to do????? Thursday the entire Cox Clan will be headed down to Panama City for 4 days. We are taking 16 people and if you didn't know 8 of them are children ages 5 and under. I just looked at the forecast for the week and it is supposed to be raining all weekend!!!

1st of all this will be the first family vacation we have ever had. The most we have all been together was for the evening for dinner or something. I know it will be just fine, but gracious that is a lot of togetherness!!!

So here is the dilemma...if it rains - what can we do with all these kids and all these in-laws??? We have to keep them occupied somehow...any ideas? I would love to hear your comments on this post to ear all of your great ideas.

The whole family (yes including me) is very excited about this and can't wait to go...But....HELP!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Just Tootling Around

I know that all of you are shocked that we didn't stay home this morning. We thought about going to Alabama Adventure but I was afraid it would rain on us. So, instead we decided to pittle around for a while.

First we decided to go eat breakfast...nothing better than waffle house!!!

Then we always love to shop on the dollar isle here...

Callie needed a haircut so we went to the Walmart Salon.

Then the fun began...we went to the splash pad for a few minutes.

Now we are home resting until a birthday party at 5. Both girls were very good. We really had a good time!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I have been mad at the K-4 program that Bailey attended since about 1 month after she started last school year. I had really high hopes that she would really learn alot during that year. But, she never came home knowing anything. We saw lots of pictures of apples and balloons. She knew how to write her name but it was all crazy looking. She went in knowing this already so I was not impressed when she came out writing her name the exact same way. BAilEy.

Well the little snot head just started reading tonight!!! Where did this come from? How did she learn this??? Johnny has been saying for a long time now that she knew more than she was letting us know but I didn't believe him. Well I guess I was wrong (for the 1st time ever HA!). Now, she is not reading novels or anything but she is able to sound out simple words. Go figure.

K-5 starts on August 12th. So, I guess we are getting ready for a long, exciting year. I just hope I have the patience for all the homework!

p.s. - please do not say a prayer for me to have patience...last time I heard of someone praying for patience they ended up pregnant very shortly after and that is a Wild Child!!! I really am not up for the test. LOL

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Germ-A-Phobe Johnny

Johnny decided today that he had not been to the hospital in a while and he really wanted to go. So, we took a trip to St. Vincents this morning. Come to find out...he has a colon infection. I want all of you to know I love my husband very much and I really was genuinely concerned about that was wrong with him. However, he totally cracked me up. Johnny is the biggest germ-a-phobe I have ever met. How he does his job every day I do not know. I feel pretty confident that before he touches anyone at work he has at least 3 pair of gloves on. Anyway, today at the hospital he had to go to the bathroom. He always wears 2 pairs of sock but he just couldn't handle letting the bottom of his double-socked feet touch the floor. SO, he put on his work boots with his hospital dress. I was so glad that our phones take pictures. This was a really funny sight to see!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I think I should confess...

I bought a bag of these Oh so sinfull cookies tonight. Can I just tell you it was the best thing I have had in a while. They are a limited edition from Nabisco so I suggest that you jump up right now and go to the store and stock up! The only thing I think could make it any better would be if they were double-stuff! They are the famous OREA cookie with the most perfect balance of the original cream and chocolate fudge. How in the world can you get any better than that??? Johnny of all people said they were so rich he couldn't eat but a few of them...that says a lot.
Well I guess I am looking pretty pathetic right now blogging about cookies so, I am now going to stop.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

30 Years

This week Mom & Dad will celebrate 30 years of marriage...what an accomplishment!

30 years =360 months

30 years = 18,720 weeks

30 years = 6,832,800 days

30 years = 163,987,200 hours

That is a Really Long Time!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Amazing Discovery by Callie

"Mommy, there is apple juice in my apple!!!"

Monday, June 8, 2009

It's the Simple Things...

Sometimes God chooses to speak to us through the simplest things. It can be anytime, anywhere, and through anybody. Tonight I decided that the girls and I should go eat Mexican food (we all love cheese dip). We always have to listen to the girls music in the car and they have to take turns with whose CD we listen to. On one of Callie's CD's at the very end it has 4 songs that are instrumental. We usually skip those songs but tonight I decided we needed some quiet time. The second song started to play and the sweetest voice started to sing (it brings tears to my eyes again just thinking about it)...

Jesus Loves me this I know
For the bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak but He is Strong.

Jesus Loves me He who died
Heaven's gates are open wide
He who washed away my sin
Let this little child come in.

Yes Jesus Loves me
Yes Jesus Loves me
Yes Jesus Loves me
The bible tells me so.

I was totally amazed that Bailey figured out what song that was but whatever you may think about it, I truly believe it was the Lord speaking through her to remind me that Yes He does Love Me!!! (no matter what!)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Beach 2009

Here are a few pictures of our beach trip this week. We went to Panama City, FL and stayed from Tuesday through Saturday.

This was right when we got there on our balcony.
Johnny always finds the best shells. He found these at night!

Callie was very upset because we couldn't find the "tiny tiny crab"

Could not wait for morning to start digging.

Bailey was having the best time...singing to the top of her lungs and rolling in the sand.

This was Wednesday. Bailey really is turning into a little fish.

Callie did not want to get off the steps.

A little rest time after a long day swimming.

Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum
Pier Park - Bailey went Extreme!!!

Pier Park

Train ride @ Pier Park

Gulf World

Sea Lion Show

This was a very special picture. We went to a high diver show at Gulf World. After the show Callie got a high five from one of the divers. She would not let anyone or anything touch her hand for at least an hour after the show. She walked around with her hand in the air just like this.

Dolphin Show

Back to the Beach!!!

Lunch Time.

Callie would rather play than eat!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Red after 1:00

Well today I went on a little adventure. It really didnt start out as one but ended up being a very interesting/tiring day. Let's just say that a had a few clothes that needed washing. So, I went to the laundry mat. I really learned a lot and got a lot accomplished on my little excursion today. So, here is what I learned...

1. If you are going to go to the laundry mat and you are white then I would suggest you go after 1:00pm. I arrived today around 10ish and I was surrounded by Mexicans Men. Then around 1:00 they all started to leave and the Reds came in. By Reds I mean rednecks. Let me just say I am totally fine with the rednecks...I somewhat put myself in that category.

2. I learned several things about Mexicans. It is obviously the man's job to do the laundry, because there were NO women in there today.

3. Mexican men use a LOT of soap, clorox, and fabric softener. They put their clothes in the machine then go to pouring. They all seem to use very smelly cleaners. One scent of detergent then another scent of fabric softener. They also all use a brand of fabric softener called Swaritel. I have never heard of this...I am thinking that it is some kind of mexican brand, but who knows.

4. It seems that all the Mexican men shop at the dollar general. They all had Dollar General bags. I mean I just don't can you not go to Walmart??? But, I guess they really don't because I never see them there. We all know I basically live at Walmart, and I have never seen any mexicans at all! Where did they come from? Where do they live? Do they only go to the Dollar General and the Laundry Mat?

5. Ok...back to my point. I believe that all the mexicans really do work in some type of construction. Every single one of them had these clothe gloves they were washing and all of their clothes were really nasty. Like mud and paint and stuff like that. One guy loaded his machine, then added who knows how much soap/clorox/fabric softener then, when the clothes started washing the suds in the machine turned brown...really really brown.

6. Mexicans are really loud and they stare alot. You know that loud cackle you hear on t.v. that they do...well they really do is not just for t.v. They talk really loud and laugh a whole lot.

7. Professional laundry mat goers never measure their soap. They just open up the little compartment and pour. They don't use the little cup on top of they soap...they just pour??? This is not just the mexicans...this is Everybody (but me!)

8. People are Gross. There was this one man, he was standing in the middle of the place and he stuck his hand down his pants and scratched his butt!!! Gross! He really didnt seem to care who saw him. All he cared about was that his butt was itching and he needed to scratch it.

9. After 1:00 all of the people seemed really concerned about the economy and, they all seemed to know a whole lot about it. At one time there were about 3 conversations going on at one time all talking about they economy and that it is going to get a whole lot worse around here before it gets any better. Oh, and all Food World's are closing and they are just sure it is Obama's fault.

Well my friends...I was in the laundry mat for about 4.5 hours and I survived. I got a lot of clothes washed, dryed, and folded. I will say that I do not recommend this unless you absolutely must go. After that experiense, if I don't get the swine flu it will be a miracle!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Green Top

This may look like a hole-in-the-wall place to eat in Dora, Alabama. Well I guess it really is but have mercy it is good! This was our dinner of choice tonight. Once again, I didn't cook. Johnny is feeling cruddy and went to the after hours clinic to get a fat nasty shot so I decided I would just pick something up for us. So...I got us each a hamburger steak with grilled onions, baked potato, and salad! I must say it was Delicious! OH OH OH and they give you this bread that they have buttered and grilled and it is the BEST!!! Callie ended up eating most of my potato which as first I was a little bothered by - But, since she really doesnt eat most of the time I guess it was a good thing. So, if you are ever in my neck of the woods, I recommend it! (Just don't get the actual barbeque.)

Monday, April 27, 2009

This & That

This was last Saturday. I took the girls to the Homewood Library. They really had a good time, and I am all for free entertainment! They get to pick out movies to watch, play with puzzles, color, computer games, read, and pick out new songs to listen to in the car.
What is this thing called??? Anybody know???

This was taken at the Bass Pro Shop last of the two times I had to go. Please, Please, Please...dont make me go back!!!!

These next pictures are of the girls playing T-ball with their Daddy and cousins a few weeks ago. At first, Callie said she DID NOT want to play and this first picture is of that little attitude.

She gave in!!!

Bailey really had fun.

This is Easter Sunday. Aren't they sweet????

The preschool choir sang on Easter Sunday morning. Callie was all excited about singing then chickened out at the last minute, but Bailey gave it everything she had!

Before singing.