Monday, April 27, 2009

This & That

This was last Saturday. I took the girls to the Homewood Library. They really had a good time, and I am all for free entertainment! They get to pick out movies to watch, play with puzzles, color, computer games, read, and pick out new songs to listen to in the car.
What is this thing called??? Anybody know???

This was taken at the Bass Pro Shop last of the two times I had to go. Please, Please, Please...dont make me go back!!!!

These next pictures are of the girls playing T-ball with their Daddy and cousins a few weeks ago. At first, Callie said she DID NOT want to play and this first picture is of that little attitude.

She gave in!!!

Bailey really had fun.

This is Easter Sunday. Aren't they sweet????

The preschool choir sang on Easter Sunday morning. Callie was all excited about singing then chickened out at the last minute, but Bailey gave it everything she had!

Before singing.

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