Saturday, May 2, 2009

Red after 1:00

Well today I went on a little adventure. It really didnt start out as one but ended up being a very interesting/tiring day. Let's just say that a had a few clothes that needed washing. So, I went to the laundry mat. I really learned a lot and got a lot accomplished on my little excursion today. So, here is what I learned...

1. If you are going to go to the laundry mat and you are white then I would suggest you go after 1:00pm. I arrived today around 10ish and I was surrounded by Mexicans Men. Then around 1:00 they all started to leave and the Reds came in. By Reds I mean rednecks. Let me just say I am totally fine with the rednecks...I somewhat put myself in that category.

2. I learned several things about Mexicans. It is obviously the man's job to do the laundry, because there were NO women in there today.

3. Mexican men use a LOT of soap, clorox, and fabric softener. They put their clothes in the machine then go to pouring. They all seem to use very smelly cleaners. One scent of detergent then another scent of fabric softener. They also all use a brand of fabric softener called Swaritel. I have never heard of this...I am thinking that it is some kind of mexican brand, but who knows.

4. It seems that all the Mexican men shop at the dollar general. They all had Dollar General bags. I mean I just don't can you not go to Walmart??? But, I guess they really don't because I never see them there. We all know I basically live at Walmart, and I have never seen any mexicans at all! Where did they come from? Where do they live? Do they only go to the Dollar General and the Laundry Mat?

5. Ok...back to my point. I believe that all the mexicans really do work in some type of construction. Every single one of them had these clothe gloves they were washing and all of their clothes were really nasty. Like mud and paint and stuff like that. One guy loaded his machine, then added who knows how much soap/clorox/fabric softener then, when the clothes started washing the suds in the machine turned brown...really really brown.

6. Mexicans are really loud and they stare alot. You know that loud cackle you hear on t.v. that they do...well they really do is not just for t.v. They talk really loud and laugh a whole lot.

7. Professional laundry mat goers never measure their soap. They just open up the little compartment and pour. They don't use the little cup on top of they soap...they just pour??? This is not just the mexicans...this is Everybody (but me!)

8. People are Gross. There was this one man, he was standing in the middle of the place and he stuck his hand down his pants and scratched his butt!!! Gross! He really didnt seem to care who saw him. All he cared about was that his butt was itching and he needed to scratch it.

9. After 1:00 all of the people seemed really concerned about the economy and, they all seemed to know a whole lot about it. At one time there were about 3 conversations going on at one time all talking about they economy and that it is going to get a whole lot worse around here before it gets any better. Oh, and all Food World's are closing and they are just sure it is Obama's fault.

Well my friends...I was in the laundry mat for about 4.5 hours and I survived. I got a lot of clothes washed, dryed, and folded. I will say that I do not recommend this unless you absolutely must go. After that experiense, if I don't get the swine flu it will be a miracle!!!

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