Saturday, April 24, 2010

Odd Humor

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Georgiana. She lived on the beach in Georgia, Savannah that is. One day she dug a hole in the sand and a wild horse fell in it. She helped the horse out of the hole and the horse let her ride on his back. She rode up and down the beach all day long. The next day the horse was gone so she just said, "Oh well". She went home and lived happily ever after.

By: Mark Carroll

Dad wrote this story tonight for Bailey. In an odd sort of way it really is funny! Just thought I would share.

Rain Rain Go Away!!!

Today is a nasty nasty day. I think we will all stay home and be lazy! Most of the time I am not very good at planning, unless it is planning a party or something and I am All About That! Anyway, last night when I was at the store I knew today would be gross and that the girls would drive me crazy if they were not occupied. SO, I purchased a big pack of copy paper and water color paints - I thought that would take a while. Then I bought construction paper - my girls love nothing better than colored paper, scissors, and glue. I also have the stuff to make peanut butter playdough...that project may have to wait for a different day though. I'm not quite sure I am up to that :).

As for me...I think I may bake. I have really been in the baking mood this week. I know I have everything to make an apple crisp. So I will let you knwo how that turns out. And I am so sure I will wash clothes and dishes (the story of my life).

Well I am needing some breakfast. So, I hope everyone has a good lazy day and stays out of the nasty weather!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I have a new project.

When I start a project of any kind I need to feel instant gratification. I do like to be creative and do new things but with all of these things I need to see a result...and I need to see it pretty quick. I am not good with details. Even with something as simple as coloring a picture, I am going to choose a picture with very little detail. The pictures I would generally choose would be something that a 1st or 2nd grader would color. Another example would be that I love going to Sips n Strokes. If you have not heard of this, it is a place where you go for 2 hours. At the end of that 2 hours you leave with a canvas that you have painted and it actually looks pretty good!

All that being said, I usually don't take on "projects". When you say the word "project" to me that means something that is going to take a really long time to complete. But, I feel like I am currently working on a "project".

So, to explain my project, first I must tell you two more things. 1) I like to eat. If you have ever seen me or been around me for any amount of time you know this. 2) I like to bake. I love anything sweet. With all that being said, I have a new friend. This new friend has a HORRIBLE problem! She is allergic to basically everything! To my knowledge she is allergic to eggs, milk, beef, nuts, seeds, and tomatoes. Think about it...SHE CAN'T EAT ANYTHING!!!! How in the world can I be friends with someone who really can't eat??? So...I have made it my mission to find something that this girl can eat! For heaven's sake she is skinny as a rail! You can see bones!!!

I began my search with cake. Her birthday is coming up and everybody should be able to eat cake for their birthday right? So I ask her...What do you normally eat instead of cake for your birthday since you can't have milk or eggs? Nothing. She gets NO sweets! She gets chicken. Finally, after searching on the internet I come across a chocolate cake and chocolate icing that does not have milk or eggs. First I planned on waiting until her birthday and making this cake but I just could not stand it. I had to know how in the world you could make this without milk or eggs and it actually taste good and look like a real cake. So, tonight I made the cake. It turned out really good. It looked and tasted good. Go figure??? So while it was still warm I had to take this cake to her. Unless she is a really good liar - she like it!

Really I don't see how in the world she would Not like it. While I was there she let me taste some fake peanut butter she had purchased. It was made from soy beans. It was NASTY!!! It didn't smell or taste anything like peanut butter. Then she all of these different mixes she had bought that she could have.

There you have it. She is now my project. She better take me for all I'm worth right now because I have a very short attention span and pretty soon my ADD will kick in and she won't get anything else. So anyone out there who actually read this whole rambling post - if you have any recipes or food ideas that might fatten up my poor dear friend, please comment on this post with your ideas.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fun Fun Day

Our day today started out busy. We decided that we could go to Payton's rag ball game this morning, which started at 10:15. It is always fun to watch those games. Rag ball is really t-ball for beginners. They don't keep score or anything so really it is more of the kids learning what to do when and how. Today was their 3rd game and I think that my knowledge of t-ball, baseball, softball, whatever is about on the same level with these 4 year old kids that played today. The Lord truly knew what he was doing when he gave me my girls. There is nothing At All that appeals to be at the ball park. It's hot, there are bugs, there is Lots and Lots of dirt, and there are ball games going on that I know nothing about. So, needless to say I am very glad I have a dancing girl and not a ball playing girl.

Oh, speaking of dance...Bailey had her picture made at dance this are a few pictures of her with her friends. These girls absolutely love each other. If at all possible they will be together. Bailey, Brianna, and Alyssa.
Sorry...these pictures really are cute, I copied them from facebook so I couldn't make them any bigger. But, if you are interested you can go to my pictures on my profile page and see them a little better.
Next, we went to Brandy's house for the afternoon - I had bought some material and t-shirts so she could help me sew a few skirts and then put something on the shirts to match. They all turned out really good. I was really proud of myself. It was really a team effort. I really did most of the sewing except for the parts I really didn't know how to do. And...I didn't stuff on the t-shirts because I really didn't know what buttons to push. Oh well! We completed 4 outfits - 2 for Bailey and 2 for Callie.

Last, we all had dinner together. Jeff grilled some chicken and then we had yellow rice and salad. Oh and for dessert we had apple pie and ice cream. Yum Yum! you might imagine...I am pooped! So I will be going to bed now. See Ya!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Prom Time!!!

Today I have been reminded of a day maybe 11 years ago for me. Prom Day. Do you remember your prom? I do remember mine. I was so excited. I tanned for months preparing for this wonderful day. I searched and searched for a dress and ended up with the perfect one which I actually bought from a friend. What do you call that kind of look when the color changes depending on what light you are in? Iridescent! That's it. Mine was iridescent purple and green. I loved it! My aunt came over and did my hair and make-up. I'm just going to say it...I was HOT!!!!
I went with a guy that I was basically just friends with. We went on a few dates but nothing ever came of that relationship. We went with my best friend, Brandy, and her boyfriend, now husband, Jeff. We ate at the Olive Garden, went to the prom, went bowling, and then finally went back to Brandy's house where her mom had fixed a HUGE breakfast. I remember she had the dining room table set with all of her finest silver serving dishes and china. It was a night to remember.
My first reminder of this day was this morning on the way home from my niece's t-ball game. I drove past the local high school, there was a teenage couple standing in the grass having their picture made. The prom must have started super early today because this was around 10:00 and they were already dressed and ready to go. Now...we live in Corner, Alabama...I know that this is pretty much considered the country. Yes there are rednecks and yes on my way to work, school, church, and pretty much anywhere else I usually see cows, horses, and occasional chickens. BUT...I don't care Where you live, the sight I saw this morning it COMPLETELY uncalled for!!! The girl had on a long strapless dress. It was black lace with some kind of blue peeping through...not really that pretty. The guy was awful!!! He had on a black tux with a camo vest and a camo ball hat. Can you say RED???? Yes, this was about as Redneck as you get.
I can't help but wonder what the remaining part of there day will be like. Where will they go for dinner? What will they do for fun afterwards? I really wonder if in their heads they actually think they look good? I have no idea. this the new trend? I really have a hard time thinking so. Johnny's cousin attends this same school and I am 100% sure that she will not be dressed this way nor will her date. But, I do plan on asking her if this couple attended the prom and if there were any others dressed so nice.
So, to anyone attending the prom tonight or anytime soon have fun and be safe. To those of you who ever went to the prom...what did you wear, who did you go with, what did you do???? Do you remember???????

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I Won!!!!

There was a battle at our house tonight. A battle of the wills'...and I won!!! I cooked dinner tonight (which I rarely do), I fixed corn on the cob and sloppy joe's. We all sat down at the table and started to eat. The first thing Callie said was that she did NOT like sloppy joe's. I told her that it was just like a chopped up hamburger and it was really good. I also told her that she didn't know if she liked it or not because she had not tried it. Then...the battle was ON!!! I told her she needed to eat her corn and that she had to try one bite of the sloppy joe meat - and if she didn't like it she didn't have to eat any more. She did Not want to try it. She cried, she begged, she refused...but I won. She eventually put a bite in her mouth. She tried to spit it out before she even chewed it (I wouldn't let her). Finally she chewed the bite up and swallowed it. Once it was down I asked her if she like it - Her response??? Yes, I like it, I was just teasing you!!! If that was teasing, I must be crazy!!!