Friday, March 27, 2009

Well it is 7:14 on Friday morning - I am the only one up in my house - I really should be leaving my house in about 5 minutes but I just cannot get motivated. It is nasty outside and I just want to stay home.

By now I am sure most of you have heard the story about Bailey this week. Wednesday night I was cutting her and Callie's fingernails and toenails - I told her that her Uncle Josh says that if you cut your toenails that your shoes will fit better. Well we went on about our evening and it was never discussed again. Thurday morning we are getting ready for work and school and Bailey comes in all dress w/her jeans and her Hannah Montana t-shirt and then she had on these shoes that I knew were too little. She has always loved these shoes for some crazy reason - I guess it is because they are shiny. But anyway I asked her weren't they too little and she very seriously told me that they fit now because I had cut her toenails! I had to tell her that it was just a silly thing and it didnt really mean that you could wear smaller shoes. She was pretty upset - So, needless to say she wore the small ugly shoes all day yesterday and never complained once. I suppose I will never totally understand her obsession with shoes since I care nothing about them. They are a necessity. If I have a few basic pair of shoes I am totally fine. I do love flip-flops but really thats about it.
Can I tell you how glad I am that it is Friday??? Well I am pretty darn happy!!! Weeelllll my coffee is finished brewing and I am pretty sure I have "fluffed" my clothes and much as possible. So I guess I will go to work.
See ya!


  1. I'm getting a pedicure in the morning in honor of Bailey and her newfound faith in the smaller shoe. Great story!

  2. How cute is that, just so innocent and believe what you told her..
