Monday, March 2, 2009

Deep Breath....Ok here I go!!!

Since my last post there has been lots of things to happen. First lets start with today. I get a call from Johnny right around 5:30 asking where I was because he was about to hurt our youngest child. They all took a nap this afternoon and when they got up Callie had taken her diaper off and was running around the bedroom. Well, this would not have been so bad except her diaper was full of POOP!!! I am not really sure the extent of this mess because, well, frankly I was scared to ask. All I know is when I got home Callie was in the tub and her bed was stripped and all of the covers in the washer. So tonight - the little girl is All Mine!


Yesterday as you all know, we had SNOW!!! Saturday night I went to the store and it was extra crowded. I really could not figure out why until some old lady was griping about all of the lanes in the store not being open since we were going to get snow the next day. I had not paid any attention to the weather. I really just figured it was a bunch of hype like it usually is. I had bought some bread and snacks but really it was just because we needed it. Well much to my surprise on Sunday morning Johnny woke me up before he left for work and the ground was quickly covering with snow. He woke up the girls for them to see - then at 7:30 Sunday morning we were outside playing in the snow. Here are a few pictures of our day.

ok - I don't know how this next picture happened, but I really like it for some reason!

Ok - Now - Onto the next subject...Saturday afternoon.

Saturday was our niece MaKayla's 1st birthday party. The girls had a lot of fun playing at MaKayla's house with all of the toys. They also had baby goats for the kids to play with and feed a bottle to. Happy Birthday MaKayla!!!

Now - Friday night was the 1st Annual Fireman's Awards Banquet. We had to get all dressed up (which was fun) and act like we were used to this kind of thing. From 6-7 was coctail hour, then from 7-9 was dinner and the awards, then from 9-11:30 was a band. Well the awards time lasted a lot longer than it was supposed to. They did not stop talking until about 10:15 so needless to say the Chief's and Captains and whoever they were, were very long winded. The band started playing around 10:45 or so. Here are a few pictures from the night. We were not able to take very many since there was so much talking and we had to be good and quiet.


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