Thursday, March 19, 2009

I have a fever

I am convinced that I am terribly sick. I went to Web MD and put in all my symptoms and I have diagnosed myself with Spring Fever! I am so sick of going to work everyday when it is so pretty outside. I get really jealous of other people who are out having fun. Today the girls and Ginny and Nanny and Pepaw went to Tannehill for the day. They had a picnic, went on a train ride, fed the ducks, blew bubbles, and the girls found treasures all day. I really hate that I was at work. I could not focus on anything!

Speaking of work...I had to do a self evaluation today. It was total crap! I am a very simple minded person. You should speak clearly to me. Make me understand what in the world you are talking about! I really do not recommend telling me to sit down and fill out an eleven page form with big words jumbled together and I don't have any idea what it means. I have been at my job for 7 years now so you would think I have a pretty good idea about what's going on. But, I am sure that if you read my evaluation it looks like I do not have a clue. My plan is to talk to my supervisor in the morning and have her explain what some of that crap means. I am really sure she understood every word (sometimes she uses big words too!!)

I am sitting here watching Ace of Cakes. I really love that show - I so wish I could make those really pretty cakes.

One day when I get really brave (which is not going to be any time soon) I am going to totally change my job. I really have always wanted to do event planning. For some reason I really think it would be so much fun! I would love to plan big parties for individuals or companies - It would take some practice and money but I think I would actually be good at it. And if I was really good I would make their cakes for them! I would love nothing more!

Well for those of you who have been reading about Reese she came home from the hospital yesterday. She is doing much better. They never diagnosed her with anything but whatever it was is better.

Well I guess I have rambled enough for one post. It is almost bedtime. See Ya!

By the way - on Ace of Cakes Duff is having his mother help for the day and he looks exactly like his mother only she has hair!


  1. hey girl, You start the event planning business and I will go to work for you.

  2. My dream is to start an all-around event planning business - one stop shopping with invites, floral, graphic design, catering, music, and photography. Then folks could do the whole shebang or pick ala carte. Let's make plans :)
