Friday, March 27, 2009

Well it is 7:14 on Friday morning - I am the only one up in my house - I really should be leaving my house in about 5 minutes but I just cannot get motivated. It is nasty outside and I just want to stay home.

By now I am sure most of you have heard the story about Bailey this week. Wednesday night I was cutting her and Callie's fingernails and toenails - I told her that her Uncle Josh says that if you cut your toenails that your shoes will fit better. Well we went on about our evening and it was never discussed again. Thurday morning we are getting ready for work and school and Bailey comes in all dress w/her jeans and her Hannah Montana t-shirt and then she had on these shoes that I knew were too little. She has always loved these shoes for some crazy reason - I guess it is because they are shiny. But anyway I asked her weren't they too little and she very seriously told me that they fit now because I had cut her toenails! I had to tell her that it was just a silly thing and it didnt really mean that you could wear smaller shoes. She was pretty upset - So, needless to say she wore the small ugly shoes all day yesterday and never complained once. I suppose I will never totally understand her obsession with shoes since I care nothing about them. They are a necessity. If I have a few basic pair of shoes I am totally fine. I do love flip-flops but really thats about it.
Can I tell you how glad I am that it is Friday??? Well I am pretty darn happy!!! Weeelllll my coffee is finished brewing and I am pretty sure I have "fluffed" my clothes and much as possible. So I guess I will go to work.
See ya!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Last night I was introduced to a very dangerous thing and, I cannot be held responsible for my actions.

I went out to dinner and shopping with Kendra last night. We had a really good time. I think we both were overdue a night out. We went to Macaroni Grill for supper then went and looked around at the Summit. Both of us love a good dessert so, Kendra had the bright idea that we should go to Whole Foods and get something out of their bakery. Now, I have been to Whole Foods in the past and really didn't think a whole lot about it. Yes, everything is organic and they have stuff that nobody else has...but I NEVER knew about their bakery!!! Well - Kendra held a gun to my head and made me buy a mini black and white cake. Now, let me explain exactly what a black and white cake is. Chocolate cake, cream cheese icing & chocolate gnocchi - Good Grief it is Good!!! So, needless to say I have had my fair share of this cake and about 1/2 gallon of cold milk. I really can Never go back in the store - it is very dangerous!!!

So today I am home with the kids and trying to clean - I really hope I can accomplish something today. Tonight we are going to Johnny's parents house for his brother Jeff's birthday supper. If I had any nerve pills I know I would take one (or two). All eight grandchildren will be there and lets just say the level of chaos is very high.

Have a good weekend everybody - See ya!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I have a fever

I am convinced that I am terribly sick. I went to Web MD and put in all my symptoms and I have diagnosed myself with Spring Fever! I am so sick of going to work everyday when it is so pretty outside. I get really jealous of other people who are out having fun. Today the girls and Ginny and Nanny and Pepaw went to Tannehill for the day. They had a picnic, went on a train ride, fed the ducks, blew bubbles, and the girls found treasures all day. I really hate that I was at work. I could not focus on anything!

Speaking of work...I had to do a self evaluation today. It was total crap! I am a very simple minded person. You should speak clearly to me. Make me understand what in the world you are talking about! I really do not recommend telling me to sit down and fill out an eleven page form with big words jumbled together and I don't have any idea what it means. I have been at my job for 7 years now so you would think I have a pretty good idea about what's going on. But, I am sure that if you read my evaluation it looks like I do not have a clue. My plan is to talk to my supervisor in the morning and have her explain what some of that crap means. I am really sure she understood every word (sometimes she uses big words too!!)

I am sitting here watching Ace of Cakes. I really love that show - I so wish I could make those really pretty cakes.

One day when I get really brave (which is not going to be any time soon) I am going to totally change my job. I really have always wanted to do event planning. For some reason I really think it would be so much fun! I would love to plan big parties for individuals or companies - It would take some practice and money but I think I would actually be good at it. And if I was really good I would make their cakes for them! I would love nothing more!

Well for those of you who have been reading about Reese she came home from the hospital yesterday. She is doing much better. They never diagnosed her with anything but whatever it was is better.

Well I guess I have rambled enough for one post. It is almost bedtime. See Ya!

By the way - on Ace of Cakes Duff is having his mother help for the day and he looks exactly like his mother only she has hair!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Well this morning around 3:00am Reese was at Childrens and they made the decision to admit her. She is having some kind of crazy rash and still a fever. They are really not sure what is going on with her. They are running several test to see if they can figure it out. Hopefully, they will figure it out soon and she will get to feeling better!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Update on Reese

I just talked with Greg (Kendra's Husband), they came home last night. After triage last night Reese's oxygen levels were where they should be & her temp was high but, the E.R. nurse told them that if it was her she would go home and watch her...there was really nothing they could do for her there and it would be forever before they could get a room. So, they did come home and kept a close eye on her throughout the night and continue with the antibiotic, motrin, & tylonol. Reese and Kenrdra are both sleeping now so hopefully they are on the road to recovery. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Reese Wolfe

Please pray for Reese Wolfe. This is my friend Kendra's little girl. It is about 10:30 pm and I just got a call from Kendra saying they are on their way to Children's E.R. Reese has been sick for 8 days now and the first 4 visits to the doctor they were told it was a fever virus. Well in case you do not know...Kendra is a very persistant person. She knew there was something wrong with her baby so she continued to questions (which any good mother would). So today they went to the doctor for the 5th time when they finally discovered Reese has pneumonia. They gave her a fat nasty shot this morning with hopes this would make her better. Well now Reese is having a lot of trouble breathing so they are taking her the hospital for some type of treatment.

Please continue to pray for this family, especially baby Reese. She is 16 months old and is feeling rotten. Kendra and Greg are exhausted and worried about their little girl. They all 3 need your prayers.

I will give an update on Reese some time tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Oh good grief!! Kids can make you crazy one second and the melt your heart the next!!! Callie has been in the bed for about an hour now and is still not asleep. She keeps getting up so that makes me mad then she will do something and make me laugh. I guess she knows this so she continues to do it. Oh well.

Johnny is studying for his structural collapse test on Friday. He has been in Tuscaloosa all week in class. It has been nice because he has been home every night. But, now he will not be home for 2 nights. Thursday night he will have to stay in Tuscaloosa for a night training class and then Friday he will have to go back to work after his test. So, we will not see him again until Saturday morning.

Yesterday I took Bailey to the dentist for the first time. She did really good. No cavities! I was totally shocked. We really had a fun day. I had not spent time with just Bailey in a long time. I forgot how much fun she can be. After the dentist we went to Brookwood Mall and walked around. She is quite the shopper! First we went to the book store and read books for a while. Then we went to Limited Too and found her a new outfit. Can I just say that I really do believe we are going to have major issues when she really wants to wear some of these trashy clothes that are out now. I hate it, but my little girl is not going to look like a tramp at any age much less the age of 5!!!

Anyway I really dont have a lot to say tonight I just thought I should say something! Oh by the way did I tell you that I still have not gotten used to the time change. I cant seem to wake up in the mornings when it is still dark. SO, I guess since it is 10pm I should go to bed and put this dang computer down.

See Ya!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Deep Breath....Ok here I go!!!

Since my last post there has been lots of things to happen. First lets start with today. I get a call from Johnny right around 5:30 asking where I was because he was about to hurt our youngest child. They all took a nap this afternoon and when they got up Callie had taken her diaper off and was running around the bedroom. Well, this would not have been so bad except her diaper was full of POOP!!! I am not really sure the extent of this mess because, well, frankly I was scared to ask. All I know is when I got home Callie was in the tub and her bed was stripped and all of the covers in the washer. So tonight - the little girl is All Mine!


Yesterday as you all know, we had SNOW!!! Saturday night I went to the store and it was extra crowded. I really could not figure out why until some old lady was griping about all of the lanes in the store not being open since we were going to get snow the next day. I had not paid any attention to the weather. I really just figured it was a bunch of hype like it usually is. I had bought some bread and snacks but really it was just because we needed it. Well much to my surprise on Sunday morning Johnny woke me up before he left for work and the ground was quickly covering with snow. He woke up the girls for them to see - then at 7:30 Sunday morning we were outside playing in the snow. Here are a few pictures of our day.

ok - I don't know how this next picture happened, but I really like it for some reason!

Ok - Now - Onto the next subject...Saturday afternoon.

Saturday was our niece MaKayla's 1st birthday party. The girls had a lot of fun playing at MaKayla's house with all of the toys. They also had baby goats for the kids to play with and feed a bottle to. Happy Birthday MaKayla!!!

Now - Friday night was the 1st Annual Fireman's Awards Banquet. We had to get all dressed up (which was fun) and act like we were used to this kind of thing. From 6-7 was coctail hour, then from 7-9 was dinner and the awards, then from 9-11:30 was a band. Well the awards time lasted a lot longer than it was supposed to. They did not stop talking until about 10:15 so needless to say the Chief's and Captains and whoever they were, were very long winded. The band started playing around 10:45 or so. Here are a few pictures from the night. We were not able to take very many since there was so much talking and we had to be good and quiet.