Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy 2009!!!!

Well in about 3 1/2 hours it will be 2009. YIPPEEEEE!!!!!!! We are partying hard here at the Cox house. Johnny is reading a fishing magazine, Bailey is spending the night with PawPaw, Callie is laying in her bed watching cartoons, and here I sit...entertaining the masses! If tonight is any indication of what the next year of our life will be, it should be very relaxing.

Well I never got around to posting any Christmas pictures so here they are. As I am sure you are all aware by now...Santa came to our house early this year. Daddy had to work on Christmas Day so Santa came Christmas Eve while we were having Christmas with Nana & PawPaw. We came home and Santa and his reindeer had left a mess on our front porch. The reindeer got hungry so Santa went into our kitchen and found carrots and apples. Then we never had time to bake our cookies for Santa so he ate the cookie dough. When we got home there was apple and carrot pieces all over the place, and inside Santa had left pieces of cookie dough. To top off the mess there was tinsel all over our yard from the sleigh.

The girls were very excited to find all of there new toys when they came home. They got a Barbie doll house, a kitchen, a v-smile motion game, and lots of other little things. Here are a few pictures from that night.

One last thing...Bailey went hunting today with her PawPaw - They went to Brandy's grandparents land in Sulligent, AL - She had a good time. They sat in a shooting house for 5 hours (did anybody ever thing she could stay in one place for 5hrs???? I sure didn't) From what PawPaw said she did a whole lot of eating while she was there. But - she looked really cute while she sat there I know. She looked like a true Country Girl!!! Truly a girl after her Daddy and PawPaw's heart.

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