Sunday, August 21, 2011

1st Day of School

Well it has been year since I posted last. I decided I would give everyone an update on how the 1st day of school went. Today Bailey started 2nd grade and Callie started K4. As a whole, the day was a success.
The morning started off great! Both girls got out of bed excited and ready for the day. They both had new clothes so they were anxious to put them on and check themselves out in the mirror (for as long as possible). Callie decided she would like to pack her breakfast and eat at school. Bailey however, does not have that as an option so she ate a bowl of banana pudding. I figured that was healthy enough right???? Fruit, Dairy, & Bread...sounds healthy to me! Lunch boxes are now packed, clothes are on, all money envelopes are ready - Lets Go To School!!!
I picked Callie up @ 11:30. I asked for a report of her day and I got the typical kid answer...It was good! So then I had to dig. She had a corn dog for lunch. They gave her other things like corn and some other stuff that she couldn't remember but she didn't really like that other stuff. She did let me know that she took little bites because the wienie was really big. I asked what she did today and she said they just played but, tomorrow they are going to start doing paperwork. Then she proceeds to tell me that she really doesn't think she needs to go back tomorrow, "Mommy I had fun today but I don't want to go tomorrow because I really don't want to do any real work!" We talked more and I let her know she had to go and it really wasn't an option and she seemed OK with that. I am afraid it's going to be a LONG 14 years!!!
I picked Bailey up @ 3:00. I asked for a report from her and didn't have to ask any questions. She said she had a really good day. She really likes her teacher Mrs. Fewell...she is really nice. The did some math work but it wasn't hard at all. They started a really pretty art project that they are going to work on more tomorrow. She is not going to have any homework this week BUT Mrs. Fewell did send home next weeks spelling words. They did more worksheets but they were easy too. There is a new coach because Coach Tate retired. His name is Coach Kyle Hayes. But, she really doesn't know what to call him. Because Payton Rouse calls him Coach Kyle and some people call him Coach Hayes. I asked what he wants be called, which is Coach Hayes, so that is what she should call him. But one thing she really doesn't understand about him is that he said that when he blows his whistle 3 times you should get down on on knee, look at him, and not say a word. She really doesn't understand why they have to do that and besides it kinda hurts her knees! There is a new girl and her name is Amanda. There are 2 boys in her class that have the toe shoes - she says the shoes are really ugly and she told those boys they are frog finger shoes! Lastly, she said when she comes home everyday she is going to write in a journal all about her day. And that friends is the day of an over-achiever!

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