Wednesday, February 25, 2009

No Title

Ok - Can anybody quess what is wrong with this picture? (Nanny try to contain yourself) Yes, I tried to hem (I think that is how you spell that) Johnny's work pants tonight. The first pair I tried I totally messed up. I measured and measured and measured some more! Then I was so careful to sew a very straight line AND I used the smallest stitch possible so that it would not even think about coming undone once he started wearing them to work. After I was all finished I noticed that somehow I forgot to turn the pants inside out!!! I was so mad that all I could to was laugh. Ok - That is all I have to say tonight - I am very tired.
Love Ya
See Ya!
Bye Bye

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I have no idea what to blog about tonight...I just thought I should.
I am sitting in the dark listening to Johnny snore and waiting not to hear the girls anymore. They have been in bed for about 45 mins. now and are still wiggleing and talking. I realize it is only 9:00 on a Saturday night but I have come to accept the fact that we are boring people.

Today I went shopping with mom...which reminds me I need to go and wash my face before I go to bed tonight. I got some new face wash stuff fromClinique so I need to start my daily routine. We also got the girls Easter dresses today which I feel like was a major accomplishment. It took all of about 30 minutes to get in and find dresses and get out. We already have white sweaters so all I will need is white sandals.

I am now addicted to Facebook - It is pretty fun even though I really dont know what I am doing half the time. You get lots of request that I am really not sure what to do with. People are throwing snowballs at me and wanting to have pillow fights - I just dont know about that. Also, I have decided that the Youngblood family are "bandwagon people" they start new things a lot and try to suck everybody in. I will say that both of these thing are fun. It is a good way of keeping up with people. But, for now, please dont show me anything else. I just dont think I can handle anything else. what should I talk about???? Do you want to see a picture? Ok hang on.
ok - this is a fire Johnny went to. He said he is almost 100% positive that he is one of the guys that are squatted down in the picture with the hose. I sure am glad he is the one that has that job and not me. I dont think I could do it. They really do have to do a lot of crappy stuff. But, he loves it! I dont think he could imagine having to do anything else.
All right everybody...its bedtime. Love ya...See ya!

Monday, February 16, 2009


I just wanted to do a quick post to brag on my Mom a little bit. First I should start by saying over the past few years Mom has been through some rough times mentally, emotionally, and some physically. Over the past 6 months I can see a drastic change in her every day. She is doing so good. She is doing things now that I have not seen her do in a long time and I must say that I love it. I have done a lot of praying for my mom over that past year and a half and I know other people have too. I am now seeing the fruits of those prayers all the time.

This morning Mom came by my office and brought me some clean clothes she had washed for me. This is helping me so much. I am very grateful to her for doing this every week.

AND - I mentioned in my previous post that she made some pepperoni rolls...Well today she brought me 2 pieces of homemade bread 1 was cheese toast and the other was cinnamon toast. It was SO GOOD! So Mom...anytime you would like to bring more Homemade bread/toast for breakfast or any other occasion it will be much appreciated.

Thank you Mom for all you do for me and I Love You very much!!!


Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Family

Today is Valentines Day - Johnny is at work "Fighting Fire and Saving Lives", that is what he tells me and the kids he is doing anyway. The girls and I are at my grandparents house. Today started out as a simple day just hanging out at Nanny and Pepaws house. Somehow it ended up that almost the whole family was there. Me, Bailey, Callie Rae, Nanny, Pepaw, Virginia, Ken, Debbie, Mom, Dad, Josh, Andie, McKenzie, Jill, and Jessie - 15 people - good grief!!! We really have had a fun day - Andie came by with her girls so Bailey and Callie just thought that was the best thing ever. I brought my sandbox and they played with that for a long time. Debbie and Virigina and Andie made hairbows which I made the direct profet of.

I should have known that a Youngblood event would have really good food. Mom is becoming an expert on making bread. She brought pepperoni rolls and they were really yummy. I made chicken salad. Plus we had lots of sweets (my favorite). Well I am going to go back and visit with everyone - I just thought I would write something quick about my day today. pictures today.

Happy Valentines Day Everybody - I hope it has been good for all of you (all 5 people that read my blog)


Tomorrow is Sunday...Go to bed early tonight so you can get up early in the morning and go to our Lord's house - I know he would love to see us all there!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Tiny

When Callie was a baby I started calling her "Tiny" because she was so blame fat. She had rolls from head to toe. So cute. Well the name kinda stuck. She is not a tiny baby anymore but she still is my "Tiny"

When Bailey was a baby she was so easy. She did everything exactly on schedule; at every 4 hours, took a morning nap, ate lunch, played, took an afternoon nap, played, ate dinner, played, bath, bed. The End. Everyday. No question. Now our second child Callie Rae was not quite so easy. She was never on a great schedule. We had to change formula several times for several different reasons, she cried a lot, she ended up in the hospital for 5 days when she was only 10 days old, really nothing was at all "Normal" in our eyes. Bailey spoiled us. We had no idea what a real "Normal" baby was.

Callie is 2 years old now and a pure joy to have. She makes us all laugh all the time. She has figured out over the last week that she really loves to go outside. Since the wagon day and the sand day she now wants to go out all the time. Johnny took her out again today to play in our new sandbox (which by the way Johnny says is redneck). She has asked all night if we could go back out and play.

By the way...if you ever ask Callie she will for sure tell you she is "Momma's Baby" and, if you every ask Bailey she will almost always say she is "Daddy's Baby"

Now the reason I am writing this post...My sweet 2 year old baby girl will say some crazy thing. Today, while she taking her bath I was on the phone with Johnny. He asked her if she was washing her body, her response was " yes, I washin my haands, an my tootie, and my PITS!" this totally cracked me up. THEN, when I got home she informed me that she had a booger in her nose and she was going to put it in the oven. Why she was going to do this I have no idea. But she thought it was a good idea.

Well my Tiny is now crying because she really wants her Momma and Daddy just won't do. So have a good night...more stories to come!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sunny Days

We have had great weather over the last several days. Today I went and bought a container and sand and we made our own sandbox. It was really nice ourside and the girls had a blast.

Last week after church we all went outside and the girls played in the wagon.