Sunday, August 21, 2011

New Experiences

I am once again going to try and update my blog more often.  Maybe since I am unemployed I will have more time to do this.  I really do enjoy writing.  When I was in the 7th grade I had a teacher that really encouraged writing.  She taught us how to write a research paper, which amazingly I still remember how to do!  All of that said, I think that is where I pinpoint learning to really enjoy writing.  I really wish I could find Mrs. Ridgeway and beg her to start teaching at Bagley so the girls could be in her English class.  Oh and I would also beg her husband to also teach history.  He was by far the best history teacher I ever had!

Now...about my title.

Yesterday was filled with new experiences for our family.  My niece Payton had a birthday party.  She turned 6!  Her party was at the Trussville bowling alley.  This was the first time the either of the girls had ever been bowling.  They loved it!  Bailey, of course, went right in and started playing.  She would give me score updates every few minutes.  Callie on the other hand was a touch timid her first few times to play.  After that...she was a pro!  All of the kids played with the bumpers up which helped alot.  Also Callie played with a ramp so she could push the ball down the ramp and SCORE!!! 

I also had a new experience yesterday.  The Sayre Speedway!  I have lived in the Bagley/Dora/Sumiton/Sayre area for 9 years now.  I have NEVER, I repeat NEVER felt the need to attend a race.  I was asked by the PTO with Bailey's school to come and help sell tickets to raise money for the school.  We sold tickets for $1 each or 6 for $5 (everybody wants a bargain right?)  At the end of the night the money raised was split 50/50.  Half went to Bagley School and then a name was drawn out of the bucket for the winner of the other half.   I will say it as not quite as bad as I thought it would be.  There were lots of people there that easily fall into the Redneck category.  All ages attended the race, from babies and up.  Overall, the night was a success.  We raised a total of $820 so the school got half and some lucky winner got the other half!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about family experiences. Thanks for sharing these.

    And keep writing!

    To God be the glory!
    - chris
