Sunday, July 26, 2009


I have been mad at the K-4 program that Bailey attended since about 1 month after she started last school year. I had really high hopes that she would really learn alot during that year. But, she never came home knowing anything. We saw lots of pictures of apples and balloons. She knew how to write her name but it was all crazy looking. She went in knowing this already so I was not impressed when she came out writing her name the exact same way. BAilEy.

Well the little snot head just started reading tonight!!! Where did this come from? How did she learn this??? Johnny has been saying for a long time now that she knew more than she was letting us know but I didn't believe him. Well I guess I was wrong (for the 1st time ever HA!). Now, she is not reading novels or anything but she is able to sound out simple words. Go figure.

K-5 starts on August 12th. So, I guess we are getting ready for a long, exciting year. I just hope I have the patience for all the homework!

p.s. - please do not say a prayer for me to have patience...last time I heard of someone praying for patience they ended up pregnant very shortly after and that is a Wild Child!!! I really am not up for the test. LOL

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Germ-A-Phobe Johnny

Johnny decided today that he had not been to the hospital in a while and he really wanted to go. So, we took a trip to St. Vincents this morning. Come to find out...he has a colon infection. I want all of you to know I love my husband very much and I really was genuinely concerned about that was wrong with him. However, he totally cracked me up. Johnny is the biggest germ-a-phobe I have ever met. How he does his job every day I do not know. I feel pretty confident that before he touches anyone at work he has at least 3 pair of gloves on. Anyway, today at the hospital he had to go to the bathroom. He always wears 2 pairs of sock but he just couldn't handle letting the bottom of his double-socked feet touch the floor. SO, he put on his work boots with his hospital dress. I was so glad that our phones take pictures. This was a really funny sight to see!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I think I should confess...

I bought a bag of these Oh so sinfull cookies tonight. Can I just tell you it was the best thing I have had in a while. They are a limited edition from Nabisco so I suggest that you jump up right now and go to the store and stock up! The only thing I think could make it any better would be if they were double-stuff! They are the famous OREA cookie with the most perfect balance of the original cream and chocolate fudge. How in the world can you get any better than that??? Johnny of all people said they were so rich he couldn't eat but a few of them...that says a lot.
Well I guess I am looking pretty pathetic right now blogging about cookies so, I am now going to stop.