Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Green Top

This may look like a hole-in-the-wall place to eat in Dora, Alabama. Well I guess it really is but have mercy it is good! This was our dinner of choice tonight. Once again, I didn't cook. Johnny is feeling cruddy and went to the after hours clinic to get a fat nasty shot so I decided I would just pick something up for us. So...I got us each a hamburger steak with grilled onions, baked potato, and salad! I must say it was Delicious! OH OH OH and they give you this bread that they have buttered and grilled and it is the BEST!!! Callie ended up eating most of my potato which as first I was a little bothered by - But, since she really doesnt eat most of the time I guess it was a good thing. So, if you are ever in my neck of the woods, I recommend it! (Just don't get the actual barbeque.)

Monday, April 27, 2009

This & That

This was last Saturday. I took the girls to the Homewood Library. They really had a good time, and I am all for free entertainment! They get to pick out movies to watch, play with puzzles, color, computer games, read, and pick out new songs to listen to in the car.
What is this thing called??? Anybody know???

This was taken at the Bass Pro Shop last of the two times I had to go. Please, Please, Please...dont make me go back!!!!

These next pictures are of the girls playing T-ball with their Daddy and cousins a few weeks ago. At first, Callie said she DID NOT want to play and this first picture is of that little attitude.

She gave in!!!

Bailey really had fun.

This is Easter Sunday. Aren't they sweet????

The preschool choir sang on Easter Sunday morning. Callie was all excited about singing then chickened out at the last minute, but Bailey gave it everything she had!

Before singing.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Throughout Europe, keep an eye (and a nose) out for freestanding public urinals called pissoirs (a French word describing the activity that takes place there)

Yes, I am about to post about potties.

This line and picture was taken from the MSN homepage today. Does anyone else find this somewhat odd? I was opening up the internet today and this is what I saw. It is interesting to me that on the homepage of MSN you can see 11 different pictures of different places to...relieve yourself. I did learn that if I am ever out of the country (which I probably do not have to worry about) I will need to carry extra change just in case the occasion risen that I should need to use one of these facilities...They charge to use the restroom and then more if you want toilet paper.

I also find it interesting that the people of Japan take such pride in their "pissoir". Over half of the population in Japan have high-tech toilets. They will do everything from cleaning to massaging your hiney. You have always heard the phrase "Sh** or get off the pot" well if I lived in Japan I just think I might have to Sh** and STAY ON the pot.

OK - Two more pictures then I will Shut up about toilets.

24-karat Solid Gold Toilet...Who would not want to use this one??????

Absolutely NO Possible way I could hit this...I would have to grow an appendage (I really don't see that happening either)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

We are officially RED!!!

What in the world happened to Lazy Sunday Afternoons??? We obviously do not know the meaning of that term in the Cox house. This morning we went to church as usual then went to eat lunch then went Back to church for everybody to have their choir. After church this evening the girls wanted to play in the sandbox. Well I got a wild hair and asked them if they wanted to play in the mud. We have a horrible yard - we really don't have a driveway it is just dirt. Well as you know we have had lots of rain over the last couple of weeks which has made our "driveway" a muddy mess! In our yard is a hole that always fills with water - I keep saying we are going to fill it and make us a gravel driveway but it still, as you can see, has not happened. The girls had a great time playing in the mud - It took 3 tubs of water to get them clean, but it was worth it!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Johnny & Callie's Conversation

Johnny: Callie...where are you?

Callie: I right here.

Johnny: Come here.

Callie: (silence)

Johnny: Callie come here and give me night love.

Callie: No.

Johnny: Callie don't tell me no.

Callie: No Thank You.

She may not mind...but at least she is polite.