Saturday, January 31, 2009


1. I think my toe is broken.
We had a terrible cashier this evening at Walmart. First, somehow a 2 liter bottle of coke slipped out of her hand and went over the counter and landed on my pinki toe.
This cashier really was bad. Not only did she drop the coke on my toe...I had bought a cup of mini chocolate chip cookies for the kids dessert. While I was putting my groceries in the basket she gave the cookies to Callie...Come on now how crazy is she???? You don't give a child a box of cookies without asking the mother first and really she should have just put the cookies in the bag and it should have never been an issue. So, Callie of course did not want her chicken...she pitched a huge fit for the cookies.
THEN, I got home and she had put my bananas in the same back with a bag of apples so the bananas were squished!!!

2. We went the the circus on Thursday night and had a really good time. Our friends at church had won 4 tickets on the radio and they could not go so they gave them to us! Thanks Jay & Debbie!!! I think the elephants were all of our favorite. They are absolutely huge and can do tricks.

3. For some crazy reason I have thought this week it would be a good time to learn to sew. Mom brought me her sewing machine on Wednesday. So I went to Hobby Lobby and bought a bunch of stuff I thought I might need. Friday night Nanny was ever so gracious to give me a quick sewing lesson. I did not have a clue what anything was or really even how to turn the machine on. Then this morning I went to Kendra's house and she showed me how to cut the pattern out and sew. For some reason I thought it would be a really quick thing to do. I think I really thought I could sew 2 outfits today for the girls...I only ended up with one. Oh Well. It did turn out really cute and it actually fits Callie! I'm impressed!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

BFF (Best Friends Forever)

Corny Title Huh??? Well sometimes even when things are corny they are true. This weekend I have seen my BFF quite a bit which really is unusual. Brandy and I have been friends since 5th grade (1990) so almost 20 years...WOW I had not done the math until just now - that is a long time. Since we are both grown with full time jobs, husbands, 2 kids, and a house we are really busy people. Friday night (as you can read below) we got together and cooked, which we both love to do, and watched the kids play together. Saturday, during the day, they came to our house to play. Then a sheer miracle happened...we both had baby sitters and were able to go out!!!! We had yummy Mexican food, watched Bride Wars, and had Starbucks. We really had a great time.

So Brandy...I know you think this "Blogging" thing is kinda crazy but, if you do read this I had a great time this weekend and I am very grateful for our friendship.


Can I tell all of you that I just absolutely love making drinks for my children (just kidding). I really wish I knew how many in one day I fix. If I had a nickle for every cup of chocolate milk and orange juice I made I would be a whole of richer than I am now. I will say that we have drastically cut back on the amount of liquid our children get every day and it seems to be helping me and them. I was actually shocked this afternoon...I was balancing the checkbook for the week and noticed that last time I bought milk was 6 days ago. I really can't tell you how long it has been since milk lasted that long in our house.

Now, while I am on the subject of groceries...I have told myself that I am not going to Walmart until next weekend. I actually went to the store this evening and bought enough food for the entire week. I talked to Virginia this evening and told her this and she asked me if I was going to be able to handle it??? As I have admitted in previous entries I am addicted to going to Walmart. I am going to try my best to break this habit.

Ok - it is now bedtime. Have a great week everybody!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Salad, Breadstick, Grilled Chicken Alfredo...YUMO!!!!!! (in the words of Rachael Ray) We went to Jeff and Brandy's house tonight for dinner, and we made our own Olive Garden Dinner. Boy was it good. We made homemade alfredo sauce and it was actually pretty easy.

1 pint heavy cream
2TBS cream cheese
1 cup real butter
3/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
2 tsp garlic powder
salt & pepper

Callie went to school with Bailey today and she had the best time. She was the most excited about her lunchbox which she calls her "pack pack" She is turning into a big girl right in front of our eyes.

Bailey really is a big girl now. She is going to K4 everyday and loving it. She is one of the smartest in her class. Since Christmas it seems like they have tried to kick things up a notch and do something besides color and learn about ABC and 123. She will be reading in no time!

Well my friends it is 11:16 and I think my eyes are trying to close. I am going to bed now and hopefully having a very relaxing weekend.

See ya!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


"Listen...Do you hear that??? Quiet." When I was a little girl my Memaw Turpin would tell me this and I had no idea why in the world someone would want to "Listen to the Quiet" Well - now I know...because it never happens! Aunt Ginny came to visit today and has ever so graciously taken the girls to the store so I could rest and sit in the quite house. I never knew how wonderful it could be to sit in the quiet.

Our main goal for the day today was to make a Valentine House. We never got to make a Christmas Gingerbread house this year so we made one for Valentines. The girls had a great time and it is really cute. Callie did not do very much decorating as she did eating the candy. Here are a few pictures from today.

Now - Since I have not posted in so long here are some pictures from 2 Sundays ago before church - They were wearing new outfits and looked so cute.

One last thing before I end this - Johnny had a birthday on Wednesday Jan. 14th. He was 32!!! Happy Birthday Johnny! I Love You!!!