Sunday, September 20, 2009

I Survived...barely.

Well we are home. The weather was great so I didn't have to use any of my tricks. I am just about too tired to give details on this post. I will say there were times that were great and then there were time that really, I am surprised I have any hair left on my head. Overall, it was a good trip, but I am not ready to sign up for next year just yet!

I will give more detail and post pictures later.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ready, Set, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well my friends...we are now packed and ready to go. I think I have packed just about everything in my house!

Now, as for rain activities, we have games, colors, paper, pens, markers, bendaroos, & movies. The only sedative I seem to have is benadryl, but I guess that will work!

It is now 10:47 - we are right on schedule. About to leave and go pick up the girls at school.

Hopefully, we will have intenet connection in the condo so I can give my wonderful fans a taste of a Cox Family Vacation...which will now be referred to as the CFV.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


What in the world are we going to do????? Thursday the entire Cox Clan will be headed down to Panama City for 4 days. We are taking 16 people and if you didn't know 8 of them are children ages 5 and under. I just looked at the forecast for the week and it is supposed to be raining all weekend!!!

1st of all this will be the first family vacation we have ever had. The most we have all been together was for the evening for dinner or something. I know it will be just fine, but gracious that is a lot of togetherness!!!

So here is the dilemma...if it rains - what can we do with all these kids and all these in-laws??? We have to keep them occupied somehow...any ideas? I would love to hear your comments on this post to ear all of your great ideas.

The whole family (yes including me) is very excited about this and can't wait to go...But....HELP!!!